THE MYTH STRENGTH IN INDONESIAN NOVELS AS THE REPRESENTATION OF RELIGIOUS AND SACREDNESS LITERACY OF INDONESIAN SOCIETY a) Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Abstract Myth is one of the local wisdom of a particular region and has become a valuable cultural heritage. Myth in Indonesia serves life guidance and is taken into other aspects, such as novels writing. Myth is the strength and strong representation of religious literation and sacredness of the Indonesian society. This study aims to describe the myth^s strength in Indonesian novels to represent Indonesian society^s religious literation and sacredness. The study uses a qualitative method in applying literacy theory. The study^s object is a novel by Pandu Hamzah entitled Sebuah Wilayah yang Tidak Ada di Google Earth and Sokola Rimba by Butet Manurung. The study comprises several steps: setting research objectives, collecting data by reading the object of research, entering it in a data filter table, and coding. Data analysis was carried out by double checking the collected data, describing, interpreting, and finally drawing conclusions. The study results show that the community believed in the myths of spirits, the myths of giving offerings at salvation ceremonies, and the myths of living beings that provide benefits. The two novels^ myths can serve the guidance function for the society to act wisely towards the environment. Society has more consideration in conducting a particular action as the impact of the myths is considered significant. The harmony between people and nature can prevail through the myth practice as a belief in society. Myths for Indonesian people are local wisdom that serves the fundamental principles in maintaining the natural balance, both the macrocosm and microcosm. Keywords: Myths- Novels- Religious and sacred literacy- Natural balance Topic: Humanities |
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