Derivational Morphology in Indonesian and Arabic: A Contrastive Study
Zahrani, Maliudin, Nurlailatul Qadriani, Nurtikawati, Komang Wahyu Rustiani

Universitas Halu Oleo


Contrastive linguistics is one branch of linguistics that studies and describes the similarities and differences in structure or aspects contained in two or more languages. Contrastive studies of Indonesian (B1) and Arabic (B2) are important because Indonesian language absorbs much of the Arabic vocabularies. B1 and B2 have different characteristics and structures according to the rules of each language. This study aims to compare the derivational system in B1 with B2 using a contrastive study, which describes the affixes of derivational formatures and their construction in B1 and B2, as well as the types of derivations in B1 and B2. This research is a library research with descriptive qualitative methods. Data obtained from several Indonesian and Arabic literatures. The results of this study reveal that there are 21 affixes derivational formatures in B1 and 10 affixes derivational formatures in B2. Furthermore, the types of derivations are deverbal, denominal, deadjektival and deadverbial.

Keywords: Contrastive Linguistics, Derivational Morphology, Indonesian, Arabic

Topic: Humanities

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