The Face of Nature in Massureq of Oral Tradition

Gadjah Mada University


This paper provides a discussion on the face of nature which is expressed in massureq oral tradition through Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur perspective. Present in the culture of the agrarian Buginese society, the spirit of massureq is so strong that it exhales messages of environmental wisdom which are full of meaning. The main problem focused here is on how to read the meaning of the face of nature as expressed in massureq oral tradition. The data analyzed was sureq Meong Palo Karellae with an emphasis on texts that represent nature. The analysis showed that the concept of nature that grows in the minds of the agrarian Buginese is that the nature is unpretentious, friendly, and beneficial to humans. The meaning of balance, integrity, and harmony is the face of nature which is expected to be present in the realm of life of the agrarian Buginese community.

Keywords: oral tradition, massureq, face of nature, meaning, Hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur

Topic: Humanities

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