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La Ode Sidu Marafad

Universitas Halu Oleo


This paper is entitled Characteristics of The Vowels Sequences in Muna Language. The goal to be achieved is to describe and analyze the characteristics of the series of vowels in a word. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The results show that there are five vowels in the Muna language, namely [i e a u o]. In a word, a series of vowels is a series of two vowels, [ii], such as pii ^pain^, a series of vowels [ie] like tiene ^borders of the garden^, a series of vowels [ia] like lia ^cave^, a series of vowels [iu] like piu ^oyster^, a series of vowels [io] such as lio ^stick^, a series of vowels [ei] such as wei ^tripe^, a series of vowels [ee] such as kee ^narrow^, a series of vowels [ea] such as rea ^blood^, a series of vowels [eu] such as leu ^wilt^, vowel series [eo] such as gholeo ^day^, vowel series [aa] such as laa ^straight, river^, vowel series [ai] like sai ^strike^, vowel series [ae] such as ghae ^cry^, a series of vowels [au] such as sau ^wood^, a series of vowels [ao] such as lao ^wilt^, a series of vowels [ui] such as lui ^leathery^, a series of vowels [ue] such as ue ^veins^, a series vowel [ua] such as wua ^fruit^, vowel series [uu] such as tuu ^knee^, vowel series [uo] such as suo ^mine^, vowel series [oe] such as oe ^water^, vowel series [ oa] like koa ^owl^, vowel strings [ou] tou ^howl^, vowel strings [oo] roo ^leaves^, three vowel strings [aoa] daoa ^market^, vowel strings [aea] waea ^bat^, a series of vowels [eau] bheau ^candlenut^, a series of vowels [aeo] taeo ^reed pig^, a series of vowels [uea] buea ^crocodile^, a series of vowels [oua] ghoghoua ^navel^, a series four vowels [ueue] ueue ^swinging^, a series of [ouou] ouou ^howling^, a series of five vowels [eueue] neueue ^she swaying^, a series of six vowels [aeueue] aeueue ^I swung^, a series of [aeueue] taeueue ^We swing around^, a series of seven vowels [aeueuea] naeueuea ^He is swinging around^.

Keywords: characteristics, Muna language, vowels

Topic: Humanities

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