MUNANESE^S EUPHORIA AND MOCK TO BUTON KINGDOM RECONSTRUCTED IN THE FOLKSONG LYRICS OF ENDE-ENDE: AN ETHNOPUITIC STUDY University of Halu Oleo (UHO) Abstract This research aims at describing and analyzing euphoria of Munanese people and their mock to Buton kingdom in the middle of 17th century since Sultan of Buton commited political coalition with Dutch. The euphoria and mock were reconstructed in the folksong lyrics of Ende-ende. Lyrics of the foksong are analyzed by using semiotic technique that introduced by Pierce. The study is designed qualitatively by applying ethnopuitic approach. Semiotic analysis to comprehend the lyrics of the folksong is connected to the historical incidents happened in the middle of 17th century which were symbolized in the lyrics. Data of the incidents were taken through library exploration and through oral story that told by story tellers. Through the analysis, symbolic lyrics of folksong Ende-ende reveal collective joy of Munanese people in the middle of 17th century when La Ode Kadiri, the king of Muna was released by Munanese warriors from the exile. Three years previously, the king was under arrested and sent to the exile Ternate by Dutch in conspiration with the 4th Sultan of Buton, La Elangi. Since the ancistors of Munanese and Butonese were brothers, the people of Munanese mocked La Elangi^s betrayal who had organized the arrest of La Ode Kadiri since La Ode Kadiri had blocked the Dutch to enter the territorial of Muna kingdom. Keywords: Euphoria, mock, Ethnopuitic Study, Ende-ende, and Munanese People Topic: Humanities |
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