LEARNING CULTURE OF STUDENTS IN THE PANDEMIC TIME COVID-19 (Case Study of Cenderawasih University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Students)
Hironimus Darmawan, Abner Krey, Yance Sewa, Abraham Brabar

Cenderawasih University


This study aims to describe and analyze learning culture of students during Covid-19 pandemic and to explore how students deal with and the methods used during the online learning process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research location is at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cenderawasih. Informants were determined randomly from student and lecturer representatives from each study program in the FISIP UNCEN campus. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and observations. Data analysis includes data categorization, data description, and data interpretation data. The results showed that students and lecturers had the same experience where the learning culture was new and very foreign to them, because before the Covid-19 the lecture process on the FISIP UNCEN campus still used face-to-face in the classroom. Currently, the learning culture process of students and lecturers has changed the learning system with an online learning system. The implication is that students and lecturers are very dependent on the level of availability of technological tools to support their needs during the online learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are many obstacles faced by students and lecturers, including: first, the lack of availability of tools or technology to support the online lecture process (Android phones, laptops, computers, data pulses, wifi, and inadequate networks), second, lack of understanding of students and lecturers in using the application optimally.

Keywords: Culture Learning, Students, Pandemic, Covid-19, Papua

Topic: Humanities

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