Utterances of Nias Women in Protecting the Environment in a Traditional Market: A Green Grammar Approach
Rika Purnama Sari, Rahmat Gaho

Universitas Warmadewa


Nias women are hardworking women. Currently, there^re many Nias women work to meet the needs of their families, although with certain limitations. One of the limitations is education made women in Nias trade in the market. Thus, most of the women who are often found in the market either trade or buy. Protecting the environment is not only with action, in Ecolinguistics there is green grammar concept. Through this green grammar concept, the environment is protected through utterances. The utterances that protect the environment are then very important to be known by many people. Therefore, this study aims to examine the utterances in protecting the environment in traditional markets. Qualitative is a method of this research. This research was carried out in the market. Data collection was carried out by observation. Observations were made by directly observing Nias women, both traders and buyers. Observations show that Nias women mostly protect the environment through their utterances.

Keywords: Green Grammar, Protecting Environment, South Nias Women, Traditional Market, Utterances

Topic: Humanities

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