MAINTAINING LOCAL WISDOM AS NATIONALISM MEASUREMENT a) Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Abstract The attitude of nationalism of the younger generation is thought to have been eroded by modernization and globalization. This will endanger the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation. This study aims at describing the local wisdom forms held firmly by public figures to represent nationalism. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The objects of this study are the three-winning of the novel-writing contest of Seberapa Indonesiakah Kamu?- the novels are entitled Karena Aku Tak Buta by Redy Kuswanto, Kaki Langit Talumae by Wishnu Mahendra, and How to Love Indonesia by Buma M. Sembiring. This study^s result shows that The form of local wisdom practiced by the main character in his life is to maintain and develop values, traditional arts, and traditions passed on by previous generations. The attitude of love for the country shown by the younger generation of Indonesia is affected by the pattern of education in the family, the community, and the figures^ problems. The nationalism is manifested by figures in maintaining local wisdom that applies to Indonesian society. Local wisdom is passed on to the younger generation through education both within the family and in society. This local wisdom continues to strengthen and the awareness of leaders in solving problems in the surrounding environment. Local wisdom that is held firmly by figures not only affects their lives but also has a positive impact on the surrounding environment. Keywords: Nationalism- Novel- Local wisdom Topic: Humanities |
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