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Administration |
ABS-37 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
The tourism developmentpolicy is theprima donna in Rejang Lebong Regency, which is one of the buffers for the tourism industry in Bengkulu Province. The implementation of the Lake Mas Harun Bastari tourism object in Rejang Lebong Regency has been developed in collaboration between the local government, the private sector and the community, supported by various potential natural resources and human resources such as hill views, agro, as well as village, community, and cultural potentials. This study aims to analyze the implementation ofpolicies, as a collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community in the development of Lake Mas tourism objects. This qualitative research uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentation studies. The results of the study found that collaboration had been established between local governments, the private sector and the community but had not been realized in a complete and comprehensive manner. The collaboration has succeeded in developing tourism facilities and infrastructure, growing a variety of tourism businesses and supporting tourism managed by the private sector and the community such as lodging, culinary, fruit andflower gardens and creating a variety oftourism businesses andpublic services, as well as developing the Karang Jaya tourist village.The embodiment ofcollaboration is not yet complete, where there are results ofthe development oftourismfacilities that are not utilized optimally and legality is needed in some collaborations between stakeholders. Development collaboration requires strengthening, so that collaboration can be carried out comprehensively and continuously
Keywords: Policy, Collaboration, Tourism Village
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| Corresponding Author (Sri Indarti Indarti)
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Business Administration |
ABS-21 |
The Effect of Assistance in Student Creativity Program (PKM) Innovation of Tea Drink Products Made from Coffee Leaves On Increasing the Income of the Entrepreneur Community in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province Achmad Moelyono, Rosidah, Suryani
Universitas Tulang Bawang - Lampung
The processing sector of the results of a product or community plantation commodity can increase the added value that can increase the standard of living or income of the community. One of the results of people^s plantations is coffee plants. Coffee plants that have been in great demand by the public are the beans which are used as powder for drinks. But it turns out that not only the beans are useful from the coffee plant, but also the leaves that can be used. One of the partners who has a business in the field of coffee processing, especially coffee leaves which is managed by the Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association (IPMM) of Lampung Province in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The business which was founded by the Partner Group in 2021 is still a simple process. This study raises the issue of whether there is an effect of product innovation on coffee leaf tea on increasing the income of the farmers community in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative.
The results of the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that the increase in the income of the craftsman community. This is due to the high influence of Coffee Leaf Tea-Based Drink Product Innovations. Besides, it is also in accordance with the opinion of 30 research respondents, 23 people (76.67%) stated high. While the increase in the income of the farmers community where 22 people (73.33%) stated it was high. From the results of the respondents above, it can be concluded that the Influence of Product Innovation of Drinks Made from Coffee Leaf Tea on Increasing the Income of Farmers in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province has a high influence. It is suggested that there is a need for better innovations by using more modern tools to increase production that can compete in the community.
Keywords: Innovation, coffee leaf tea, income
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| Corresponding Author (Achmad Moelyono)
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Business Administration |
ABS-28 |
Digitalization Disruption on MSMEs from Three Bottom Line Perspective in Endemic Era Ayun Maduwinarti*, IGN. Anom Maruta, Ananda Rahmatullah
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Jl. Semolowaru No.45, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60118
Massive technology disruption has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various sectors are affected by digitalization including business sectors. Many MSMEs must adapt immediately, proved by the amount of MSMEs which manage their marketing strategies using online media. With three bottom line principle, it is expected that MSMEs will be able to adapt with the conditions of consumer behavior that currently pays attention to the social, economic and environmental sustainabilityof the products they buy.The three bottom line, which is based on the three principles of sustainability, starts with people, which is the social dimension in developing sustainable development. Profit is the next principle which is an economic dimension which serves as an alternative perspective to view sustainability fromthe profit sidewhich means that it is legal to carry out sustainable development with the principle of
making a profit. The third one is the planet which is the environmental dimension in order to realize development based on natural sustainability, which means that businesses that are run ethically must be responsible for the surrounding environment. It has been proven simultaneously from various governments and private efforts tosupport sustainable forms of business such as encouraging businesses to pay attention to the impact of their production on the environment. It is expected that withtheincreasing awareness of consumers and MSME actors towards a sustainable system, it will have a good impact for humanity and the surrounding environment.
Keywords: Digitalization, MSME, Sustainability, Endemic
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| Corresponding Author (Ayun Maduwinarti)
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Communication |
ABS-19 |
Mass Media And Public Information Disclosure Policy And Community Development Of Information And Communication In The Province Of South Sumatera Isna Wijayani(a*), Umi Rahmawati(b), Tatang Sudrajat(c), Bastiar Tambuh(d)
a)Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, Indonesia.
b)Universitas Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu, Indonesia.
c) Universitas Sangga Buana, Bandung, Indonesia.
d) Universitas Taman Siswa, Palembang, Indonesia
In a democratic country and a state of law, the public has the right to obtain information services managed by the government. This is important to build a more democratic life, to make public oversight more effective, and to develop an information society using mass media. The public considers the mass media to have high credibility, so that what is disclosed is considered the truth. Matters relating to the disclosure of public information have been regulated in several state and government regulations at various levels. The substance of some of these regulations contains the public interest, so it is a public policy. This study aims to elaborate on the substance and context of several state regulations, the central government and the provincial government of South Sumatra regarding the disclosure of public information from a public policy perspective.
The method used is normative juridical, literature review, and documentary study. The results show that the public interest in the form of the right to obtain information has been accommodated in Law No. 14 of 2008, Government Regulation No. 61 of 2010, Information Commission Regulation No. 1 of 2010, Permendagri No. 35 of 2010, Governor^s Regulation No. 4 of 2014, Governor^s Regulation No. 77 of 2016 and several local government technical policies. Several aspects of public policy regarding information disclosure are contained in some of these regulations, including issues, objectives, legality, hierarchy, actors, policy institutions, and the policy environment. There are several policy substances that fall into the
category of bad policy, so it is necessary to improve the use of mass media for the effective implementation of this information disclosure policy.
Keywords: Policy, mass media, public information disclosure, information society
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| Corresponding Author (Isna Wijayani)
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Communication |
ABS-25 |
The Character of Social Media of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to Help Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Indonesia Dhani Salman, Saktisyahputra, Rd. Dancu Lokita Pramesti Dewi, Nur Ambulani
STIAMI Institute of Social Sciences and Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has occurred in the world since 2020, not only in Indonesia but also in all countries in the world. The economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been felt by the Indonesian people since the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) on March 15, 2020. Community activities are forced to be carried out through digital transformation in services, transactions and work, for example Government of the Republic of Indonesia. This study aims to determine the Social Media Character of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in assisting an inclusive and sustainable economic recovery. The object of this research is the Government of The Republic of Indonesia. This study uses the method of Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Having the concept of phenomenology as a scientific method that does not start with doubt, direction, and the truth of an experience. Data collection techniques in this study by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study use data reduction, data display, and verification of Miles and Huberman.
Keywords: Character, Social, Media, Government, Republic, Indonesia
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| Corresponding Author (Saktisyahputra Saktisyahputra)
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Communication |
ABS-30 |
WISE SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL DISRUPTION 1) Effiati Juliana Hasibuan, 2) Daryanto Setiawan, 3) Badrul Helmi
1 ) Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
2) STAI As-Sunnah Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Currently, Indonesia is entering an era of digital disruption, where the media of public activity has a high frequency in the use of social media. Almost every day of this life, many people find it in various activities even in busy situations even if they still take the time to use social media. The high frequency of social media use by a person causes the dissemination of information to also become diverse. Some spread positive information as well as negative information. If what is spread is positive information, it is certainly not a problem. However, if what is spread is negative information such as hate speech, provocation messages, hoax messages, and fake news, then this can cause a very large conflict and even harm itself because it leads to lawlessness. This article is carried out through a qualitative-descriptive approach, expected to contribute to the government or interested parties in determining public policy. This article is also expected to contribute to anyone who uses social media to be wiser in social media
Keywords: Wise, social media, Digital Disruption
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| Corresponding Author (Daryanto Setiawan)
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Communication |
ABS-32 |
Development of Promotional Strategies in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Astri Dwi Andriani, Irfan Sophan Himawan, Denny Aditya Dwiwarman
Putra Indonesia University, Indonesia
This study aims to describe what and how promotional development activities are in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The type of research used in this discussion is to use library research or literature review which includes: systematic identification, analysis of documents containing information related to the study problem. The technique used is content analysis or content study. The results of the study show that in the Digital Era, companies can no longer rely on conventional promotion and communication strategies, but must adapt to using social media as part of their promotional and marketing strategies. In other words, businesses have tended to run online. Consumers are increasingly happy to look for products online, no longer want to be bothered with activities outside the home, let alone just looking for a product. They will use activities outside the home for other purposes. These trends and changes in consumer behavior must be taken into consideration and scrutiny by the company before carrying out its marketing activities. Optimizing can be done by a) special programs/events- b) Facilities- c) Media- and d) Message.
Keywords: Strategy, Promotion, Industrial Revolution Era 4.0.
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| Corresponding Author (Astri Dwi ASTRI DWI ANDRIANI)
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Communication |
ABS-40 |
Constitutive Communication: Mapping of Communication and Changes in Indonesian Legislative Institutions Elly Yuliawati (a*), Kurniawan Prasetyo (b), Juwono Tri Atmojo (b)
Universitas Mercu Buana
Jl. Raya Meruya Selatan No.1, Kembangan
Jakarta 11650
Communication is the concern of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in carrying out its functions and authorities. This study examines the flow of information, coordination and change management designed by the DPR RI to reach out to its stakeholders. Using the case study method, this research resulted in a mapping of communication and changes in the development of good governance in the DPR RI. Based on constitutive communication- The self-organization of the Secretariat General and the Expertise Board of the DPR RI is based on the situation and conditions that continue to develop and dependent on the needs of the structure of the DPR RI. Membership negotiation through internal communication and socialization of organizational values. Coordination of activities is established in a formal form through the establishment of Organizational Business Processes and Standard Operating Procedures. The DPR RI establishes and maintains an institutional position through community-oriented programs. The study concluded that the DPR RI made changes to the institutional structure that was quite dynamic by building and maintaining the existence, image, status, and two-way communication channels with stakeholders as well as implementing change management through a bureaucratic reform.
Keywords: Constitutive Communication- Change management- Good governance- Legislative Institutions
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| Corresponding Author (Elly Yuliawati)
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Communication |
ABS-52 |
Food Security Policy In Indonesia: Perspective On Media Effect Zulkarnain Hamson(a), Nani Harlinda Nurdin(b), Muhammad Nasir Mahmud (c)
Universitas Indonesia Timur
The success of a policy is strongly influenced by the role of the media in communicating it to the public. Food security policy is an important agenda in Indonesia^s economic development, so it requires effective communication. The implementation of this research is to see the effect of media in communicating food security policies in Indonesia after the adoption of import policies to realize the stability of the national food supply. This article discusses media effects based on 1) magic bullet in hypodermic needle theory, 2) conditional effect in selective influence theory, 3) indirect influence on cumulative effect in mass media, 4) negotiated influence from imposed ideology to the active reading. Academically, the importance of this research is to find out the effect of media in communicating policies that can help to analyze each dimension in communication studies. This study uses a descriptive approach as well as various relevant reference sources. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the policy communication process that is in line with the initial concept of the media effect, so that it can contribute to the development of the study of communication science and policy.
Keywords: Policy Communication, Food Security, Food Imports, Media Effect
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| Corresponding Author (Zulkarnain Hamson)
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Educational Administration |
ABS-45 |
1, Study Program of Educational Management of the State University of Yogyakarta
2 Study Program of Civil Engineering and Planning, State university of Yogyakarta
This research is a weak experiment research which aims to describe the profile of students^ literacy ability improvement through scientific study. The research design used is one group pretest-posttest design with the sample of the study amounted to 32 students of class VII in one of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 at Yogyakarta in the academic year 2014/2015 selected by using purposive sampling technique . The data collection technique was conducted by using science literacy test consisting of 22 items with four choices of answers. The data were analyzed by calculating the normalized average score (N-gain) score data to know the improvement of scientific literacy ability measured by using Microsoft Excel . The data were then analyzed statistically by testing the students^ pretest and post - test values by performing normality test, homogeneity test, and paired sample t-test using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program. The average yield of N-gain obtained is 0.46 and is in the category of moderate increase. Hypothesis test result on t test is known significance level of 0,00- smaller than α- = 0.05 (Sign <0.05) which means that Ho is rejected. The results of this test indicate that the ability of science literacy before and after students applied scientific study is not the same, or with other expression can be said that there is a significant difference between the ability of science literacy before and after the application of scientific learning. The results of this study indicate that scientific learning can improve the students^ literacy skill profile on competency aspect and knowledge aspect on environmental pollution material.
Keywords: Scientific Literacy, Scientific Learning, Environmental Pollution
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| Corresponding Author (Agustinus Pat Madyana)
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Government |
ABS-11 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
This study aims to describe and analyze village financial management in Cimerang Village. Cimerang Village is one of the villages located in Padalarang District, West Bandung Regency. Padalarang sub-district has 10 villages, but the status of the village that is still developing is only Cimerang Village. Village financial management starts with planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques through direct observation, in-depth interviews with informants, and documentation. Cimerang Village Government Unit. The results of this study are that the village financial management in Cimerang Village has not gone well, especially at the planning, administration, and reporting stages.
Keywords: Management, Finance, Government, Village
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| Corresponding Author (Widuri Wulandari)
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Government |
ABS-22 |
Role Of LK3 (Family Welfare Consultancy Institution) Cimahi City In Empowering Women Victims Of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence) Rira Nuradhawati (a*), Danny Permana (b), Muhammad Aldi Rahmandika (b)
a) Faculty of Social and Politics, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi Selatan, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40531
b) Faculty of Social and Politics, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi Selatan, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40531
This study discusses how the role of LK3 Cimahi City in empowering women victims of domestic violence. The background of this research is based on the phenomenon of violence that happens to women which is usually carried out by those who are considered stronger. The forms of violence are physical and psychological. Many victims do not dare to speak up because they consider it a domestic problem and a disgrace to the family so that the role of institutions or organizations that can empower women victims of domestic violence is needed. The study of this research is to see how LK3 in carrying out its role to empower women victims of domestic violence. This study uses a qualitative method that produces descriptive data obtained through literature study, observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The informants in this study included LK3 employees, the community and also women victims of domestic violence who were considered capable of providing valid information.
Keywords: woman empowerment, role, violence
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| Corresponding Author (Rira Nuradhawati)
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Government |
ABS-38 |
Bale Bandung University
Mass organizations are principally a representation of an established and healthy democratic life, because the existence of mass organizations is included in the category of freedom of association and assembly for the community. Unfortunately, in the field, many Mass Organizations are involved in conflicts of interest that lead to open violence, not least in Bandung Regency, which has a fairly high productivity of Mass Organization establishments. This pre-research was dissected using a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and the method used was qualitative with a case study approach. The results of the study indicate that from the aspect of strength, the local government is represented by National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) as a work unit that is in direct contact with Mass organizations, the first is the support from the ^side ranks^ in coaching, namely the National Army (TNI) and National Police Unit (POLRI). Then there is also full control regarding the distribution of grant funds from the Bandung Regency Government. Meanwhile, the weakness is the lack of number and quality of human resources who intensely accompany Mass Organization, resulting in a lack of supervision, and many Mass Organization leaders who in fact do not know the function of Kesbangpol. Even though from the aspect of opportunity, the community has been intensely using social media so that they can carry out surveillance at any time, plus each mass organization has a strong militancy spirit, which is useful in terms of program mobilization if the mass organizations are aware of the existence of Kesbangpol. Finally, regarding the threat, if the current conditions continue, then it is possible that the Ormas increasingly do not consider the existence of Kesbangpol and the Regional Government so that the escalation of conflict between mass organizations will increase.
Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Strategy, Conflict, Community Organization
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| Corresponding Author (Rendy Adiwilaga)
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Government |
ABS-44 |
Efforts to get to Smart City through the design of a web-based portal in the Wamena District of Papua Syarifah, Telly Nancy Silooy, Irmayani Misrah
University of Amal Ilmiah Yapis Wamena
Wamena City is one of the cities located in the 3T area. To implement a smart city, this study aims to design a web-based Wamena city portal. The website is expected to be a bridge between the government and the community to provide services and information centers that can be accessed online and transparently. The website needs to be well-made and easy to use so that people don^t have trouble accessing it. The method used in this research is the user-centered design (UCD) method. The research stages are carried out by determining user characteristics, identifying user needs, making designs, and conducting tests. Testing is done by assessing aspects of effectiveness and efficiency in usability. Based on the test results obtained a success rate of 92%.
Keywords: 3T Region, User-Centered Design, Smart City, E-Government
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| Corresponding Author (Syarifah Syarifah)
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Government |
ABS-47 |
Unemployment Policy Innovation for Vocational High School Graduates in Banten the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic Taufiqurokhman
Prof. Dr. Moestopo University (Religious)
The purpose of writing an article entitled, policy innovation for overcoming unemployment in the era of the covid-19 pandemic, by taking a sample at a Vocational High School (SMK) Banten Province, is an article that offers a breakthrough solution in terms of taking a policy in overcoming unemployment, which is very beneficial for the world. business and industry (DUDI). Unemployment is a problem with the government and all stakeholders in society, in order to find the root of the problem to be resolved appropriately, through decision making or policy breakthroughs. Especially in the current pandemic era leading to the COVID-19 endemic, vocational students have started carrying out their activities, the teaching and learning process has started which was previously done online (online). All community activities (including teaching and learning for SMK students in Bnaten), are regulated by the government to suppress the spread and control of the Covid-19 virus in the community. Meanwhile, the research methodology uses a qualitative approach, by going directly to the field and conducting interviews with Banten Vocational High School students and stakeholder officials in Banten Province as well as their parents, in accordance with interview guidelines that have been prepared by researchers before going to the field. The results of the research, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the community is regulated in their activities, and SMK students carry out online learning. The results show an increase in the unemployment rate, for vocational school graduates, the impact of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy, as a form of government anticipation, in controlling the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, so that it does not spread, the impact of which is a slowdown in economic growth in Banten and nationally. . Apart from that, the unemployment rate increases. The solution is that the central and regional governments must immediately implement a vocational-based vocational curriculum, add and establish digital-based vocational vocational high schools, which are needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Policy Innovation, Reduction of Unemployment, Covid-19 Pandemic
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| Corresponding Author (Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman)
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Government |
ABS-53 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
This research is entitled Collaboration of Bandung City Government and Kodim 0618/BS in Regional Empowerment to Realize Regional Stability. The problem in this research is how the collaboration between the Bandung City Government and Kodim 0618/BS is carried out in realizing regional stability in the city of Bandung through regional empowerment that is carried out. So that the researchers formulate the main research problems on how the role of local governments in efforts to prepare national defense in the regions and what forms of cooperation between local governments and regional command units are in efforts to prepare national defense in the regions. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, documentation and literature studies. Data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the empowerment of the Bandung City area in realizing regional stability is associated with security and defense factors carried out by the Bandung City Political and National Unity Agency. The government collaboration carried out by the Bandung City Government with Kodim 0618/BS is carried out on the basis of trust, cohesiveness and togetherness. The implementation of the Cooperation is carried out through several programs and activities including strengthening the defense of the state in the community, the preparation of spatial documents for the City of Bandung and the handling and prevention of social conflicts in the City of Bandung through the establishment of forums that involve both.
Keywords: Collaboration, Governance, Regional Empowerment, Regional Stability
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| Corresponding Author (Arkom Fajri Romadon)
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Government |
ABS-54 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
E-government implemented by the Cimahi City Government is still not optimally used by the community so that many people do not know this government service program. The lack of access to information on the official portal of the Cimahi City Government is also one of the concerns where the government as a public servant must prioritize the openness of information providers to the public. The purpose of this study is to create a model to determine the effect of e-government and public service motivation on good governance in the state civil apparatus of the Cimahi City government, either partially or simultaneously. The methodology in this study uses descriptive analysis with quantitative methods, the object of research is a sample of 98 Cimahi City Government Apparatus. The sampling method is by taking samples of the Cimahi City Government Apartments based on simple random sampling techniques from the total number of Cimahi City Government Apartments. Data analysis using multiple linear regression data processing through SPSS v.25 software. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of e-government and public service motivation on improving good governance in Cimahi City. It can be concluded that the higher e-government and public service motivation, this will have an impact on improving good governance in Cimahi City in order to create good governance, good governance, good government management, good state administration, or administration. which is based on the principles of the private and public business world.
Keywords: E-government, Public service motivation, Good governance.
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| Corresponding Author (Mochamad Vrans Romi)
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Government |
ABS-55 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Environmental development efforts in an effort to manage development that are sustainable and environmentally sound are expected to be able to provide a clear picture of things that are expected to be able to support the community in meeting their needs while still paying attention to the environment by prioritizing ethics and knowledge about the environment in an environment. perspective held by the community and the local government of Bandung Regency. This study uses descriptive analysis. The reason for using descriptive analysis is that it is expected to describe and analyze a phenomenon that exists with the actual situation. The method used is by using an empirical juridical approach. The conclusion of this study is that the role of the local government of Bandung Regency is still not optimal, this is because there are still various problems of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, public awareness. The obstacles in management are the rampant land conversion, lack of public awareness, and weak law enforcement. The efforts carried out by the Bandung Regency Government are packaged in a program called ^Sabilulungan Raksa Desa^. The strategy for implementing these activities is based on a value system, namely, Worship-Based Conservation and Welfare, Household-Based Waste Management and Community-Based Environmental Pollution Control through the Spirit of ^Keeping the Village Take Care of Overtime^.
Keywords: Role of Local Government, Environmental Management, West Bandung Regency.
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| Corresponding Author (Anwar Anwar)
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Government |
ABS-56 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
In the preparation, the researcher took the title ^Collaboration of the Regional Government and Kodim 0911/Nunukan in Increasing Nationalism in Border Communities^. The identification of the problems in this research are: How is the cooperation between the local government and the 0911/Nunukan Kodim in Improving Nationalism in Border Communities? The research method is descriptive analysis research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through library research and field studies. Field studies through interviews and observations. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with the number of informants with 5 people. The results of the study are as follows: In this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperation between the local government and Kodim 0911/Nunukan Regency has been long. This cooperation carries out the principles of cooperation, namely: the principle of equality where both are indeed equal institutions (not superior to subordinate), the principle of synergy and mutual benefit where this has been implemented well, even though the benefits are not as expected- While the need-based principle has also been implemented, because it really requires solving various problems in border areas, while the principle of involvement and ownership has less place, because this cooperation is functional cooperation that takes place continuously, at the same time the flexible principle is not good, the principle of legitimacy is very strong, the effective principle is not satisfactory, the principle of Accountability and Transparency is hard to realize, and the sustainability principle is very good.
Keywords: Collaboration, Local Government, Border Communities
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| Corresponding Author (Baso Tabbusassa)
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Government |
ABS-57 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
The role of the regional head in building good government in the city of Semarang, is an important aspect in supporting the realization of the concept, where a regional head can be an initiator in formulating various programs into the regional vision and mission, in the perspective of the Semarang city government, the actualization of this role is actualized by Hendrar Prihadi into several excellent work programs, including through the Semarang Smart City Program initiated by Hendi who succeeded in bringing Semarang City as the first city to be a Smart City pilot in Indonesia. A number of smart city concepts include systemic (connected to the system), monitorable (can be monitored), accessible (easy to access), reliable (trustworthy), and time bound (time limit). The concept was applied, for example, at the online launch of the KRK (City Plan Information) and IPTB (Building Technical Permit) systems. If the public has a complaint that they want to submit, then they can submit it directly through the ^Report Hendi^ menu. This smart city concept makes Semarang City move up a class on the corruption perception index, which is ranked 3rd in 2015. Whereas in 2010, Semarang City was in the 25th number. Improvement of Human Development Index. Hendrar Prhadi and his staff have succeeded in increasing the HDI from year to year. Peak in 2017, HDI reached 82.01. whereas, in 2010, the city of Semarang had a fairly apprehensive HDI achievement because it was lagging behind other regions in Central Java, namely 76.97, far behind Surakarta City, Salatiga City and others. Other programs that later succeeded in making the city of Semarang one of the cities that have many achievements include innovating the health sector with the 112 call center, the free 24-hour ^Great Ambulance^ service, launching the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program for all the people of the city of Semarang. From these various innovations, Hendrar Prihadi succeeded in bringing Semarang City to be the area with the highest Life Expectancy (AHH) in Indonesia reaching 77.21 years, as well as making Semarang a tourist city rather than an industrial city. It is proven through an international standard design in Kandri Village.
Keywords: Implemented, Woman Empowerment, Equal Gender
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| Corresponding Author (Salam Purnama)
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Government |
ABS-58 |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
The role of the regional head in building good government in the city of Semarang, is an important aspect in supporting the realization of the concept, where a regional head can be an initiator in formulating various programs into the regional vision and mission, in the perspective of the Semarang city government, the actualization of this role is actualized by Hendrar Prihadi into several excellent work programs, including through the Semarang Smart City Program initiated by Hendi who succeeded in bringing Semarang City as the first city to be a Smart City pilot in Indonesia. A number of smart city concepts include systemic (connected to the system), monitorable (can be monitored), accessible (easy to access), reliable (trustworthy), and time bound (time limit). The concept was applied, for example, at the online launch of the KRK (City Plan Information) and IPTB (Building Technical Permit) systems. If the public has a complaint that they want to submit, then they can submit it directly through the ^Report Hendi^ menu. This smart city concept makes Semarang City move up a class on the corruption perception index, which is ranked 3rd in 2015. Other programs that later succeeded in making the city of Semarang one of the cities that have many achievements include innovating the health sector with the 112 call center, the free 24-hour ^Great Ambulance^ service, launching the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program for all the people of the city of Semarang. From these various innovations, Hendrar Prihadi succeeded in bringing Semarang City to be the area with the highest Life Expectancy (AHH) in Indonesia reaching 77.21 years, as well as making Semarang a tourist city rather than an industrial city. It is proven through an international standard design in Kandri Village.
Keywords: Role, Good Governance, Leadership
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| Corresponding Author (Irwan Syuryawan)
22 |
International Relations |
ABS-4 |
Indonesian Regional Police Diplomacy towards Malaysia in Strengthening Border Area Security from Trafficking in Persons Emil Mahyudin (a*), Anggit Akbar (b)
Universitas Padjadjaran
This article aims to analyse the diplomacy of the Riau Islands Regional Police towards Malaysia in strengthening the security of the border region from the threat of trafficking in persons. The massive increase in the migration of people brings a negative side to the increasing practice of trafficking in persons at border areas. Various internal and external factors encourage the increase in perpetrators and victims of trafficking in persons. This requires comprehensive handling from the Riau Islands Regional Police as security forces, especially in border areas, considering that the Riau Islands are a potential and conducive place for the practice of trafficking in persons. This article uses several theoretical foundations, including Regional Diplomacy, Police Diplomacy, Border Area Security and trafficking in persons. Furthermore, this article finds that the Riau Islands Regional Police can contribute to strengthening the security of border areas from trafficking in persons practices. This shows that regional actors could play an active role as diplomats to prevent border security threats. The security of border areas is a concern that is not only centralized in nature, but also becomes a regional concern for areas directly bordering regions in other countries.
Keywords: Border Region, Diplomacy, Regional Police, Security, Trafficking in Persons
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| Corresponding Author (Anggit Akbar Anugrah)
23 |
International Relations |
ABS-5 |
West Java Regions Diplomacy in Tourism and Creative Economy in Strengthening Regional Trade Security Windy Dermawan, Atha Duzan Janitra
Padjadjaran University
This article aims to identify West Java^s diplomatic efforts in tourism and the creative economy to strengthen regional trade security. The emergence of massive competition regarding tourism products and the creative economy from abroad to the regions has brought challenges for the regions to strengthen the creative economy industry of local communities. The strategic value of the development of tourism and the creative economy is not only for strengthening the regional economy but also for nationally being able to contribute to strengthening the macro economy. The theoretical basis for this article is regional diplomacy, regional trade security, tourism and the creative economy. The method used in the preparation of this article is a qualitative method with data collection through interviews with relevant informants, literature studies, documentation studies and internet searches. This article finds that regional actors, both governmental and social actors, can contribute to strengthening the regional and national economy through diplomatic efforts. This shows that it is possible for trade security in West Java to be strengthened through regional diplomacy by governmental and social actors.
Keywords: creative economy, regions diplomacy, trade security, West Java
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| Corresponding Author (Atha Duzan Janitra)
24 |
International Relations |
ABS-6 |
West Java Diplomacy in the Environmental Sector in Citarum Conservation Fuad Azmi (1), Putri Jasmine Choirunisa (2)
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran
Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia 45363
This article aims to explore West Java^s efforts in the environment to conserve Citarum through diplomacy that utilises the Citarum River. Citarum River as the longest river in West Java, its condition continues to deteriorate and was once named one of the most polluted rivers in the world which attracted the world^s attention. Whereas the Citarum River is a source of life for the community and residents around the area for urban and industrial purposes. This indicates that there are threats to environmental security in the Citarum River. Various actors, both government and society in West Java, are able to contribute in conserving the Citarum River through diplomacy. This provides an opportunity for the region to be able to take a part in diplomacy in the environmental field. The theoretical foundations in this paper are regional diplomacy, paradiplomacy, eclecticism and the Sustainable Development Goals. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with direct and indirect data collection. This article finds that government and social actors can help and even initiate in preserving the environment by conserving the Citarum River. This means that the regions contribute to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for Indonesia through enhancing environmental security.
Keywords: Diplomacy- West Java- Environmental Security- Citarum River- SDGs
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| Corresponding Author (Putri Jasmine Choirunisa)
25 |
International Relations |
ABS-7 |
West Java Diplomacy in Introducing Kasundaan Values as Part of National Culture: A Cultural Security Perspective Gilang Nur Alam (a*), Aurelia Syafina Luthfi (b)
a) International Relations Departments, Universitas Padjadjaran
Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, Hegarmanah, Sumedang, West Java 45363, Indonesia
b) International Relations Departments, Universitas Padjadjaran
Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, Hegarmanah, Sumedang, West Java 45363, Indonesia
This article aims to review West Java diplomatic efforts in introducing Sundanese values as part of the national culture through the perspective of cultural security. West Java is a region identical to Sundanese culture, where most of the population and culture are based on Sundanese culture. The reality of global issues and problems, as well as awareness in introducing Sundanese values, brings the possibility of the existence of Sundanese values in West Java. This challenges the presence and sustainability of Sundanese values, which are part of the national culture. This article uses the theorization of regional diplomacy and cultural security. The method used in this article is qualitative, with direct and indirect data collection. This article finds that foreign culture brings threats and vulnerabilities to the existence of Sundanese culture and values in West Java. This article also finds that in West Java, both governmental and social actors are possible to carry out diplomacy to maintain Sundanese values from the threat of foreign cultural values.
Keywords: Regional diplomacy- West Java- Sundanese values- cultural security
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| Corresponding Author (Aurelia Syafina Luthfi)
26 |
International Relations |
ABS-9 |
IMPACT OF THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE ON SOUTHEAST ASIA Agus Subagyo (a), Iing Nurdin (b), Mariane Olivia Delanova (c)
(a) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(b) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(c) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
Russia^s invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, President Vladimir Putin officially carried out a military operation with the aim of demilitarizing Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are trading partners as well as countries that have good relations with countries in the Southeast Asian region. The Russian invasion of Ukraine had a direct or indirect effect on relations between Russia, Ukraine and countries in Southeast Asia. This study will discuss the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Southeast Asian region, especially in the economic, political, and military fields. Southeast Asia is a strategic area for Ukraine and Russia, Russia has good relations with several countries in establishing military cooperation, while Ukraine has good relations in the economic field, especially in the food sector.
Keywords: Invasion, Russia, Ukraine, Conflict, Economy, Politics
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| Corresponding Author (Mariane Olivia Delanova)
27 |
International Relations |
ABS-10 |
Relationality in China^s Vaccine Diplomacy in Southeast Asia Stenly Djatah (a), Yohanes Sulaiman (b), Mariane Olivia Delanova (c)
(a) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(b) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(c) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
At the end of 2019, the international world was shocked by a virus that attacks the respiratory tract of unknown type. The virus was first identified in Wuhan. This virus continues to spread throughout the world. Southeast Asia is the most affected region due to its geographical proximity to China. So that the fatality rate in several countries in Southeast Asia is high. As a friend and neighbours, China has also become one of the areas that are prioritized as recipients of its vaccine diplomacy. China uses this vaccine diplomacy as well to show another identity of itself. In this research, we will use the relational theory developed by Qin Yanqin as a counterbalance to Western theory. This theory emphasizes how the relationship that developed in the East, was very different from that which developed in the West because of the influence of Confucius^ teachings that grew in Asia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method which is presented in a narrative manner. The data obtained using literature review studies related to vaccine diplomacy carried out by China in Southeast Asia.
Keywords: Vaccine Diplomacy, Chinese Diplomacy, Relational Theory, Covid-19, China and Southeast Asia Relations
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| Corresponding Author (Mariane Olivia Delanova)
28 |
International Relations |
ABS-15 |
2022 IRANIAN RAGE: THE PINNACLE OF ECONOMIC STAGNANCIES Mariane Olivia Delanova (a), Yanyan M Yani (b)
(a) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(b) Padjadjaran University
Iran protests 2022 or also known as the Mahsa Amini demonstrations are a series of protests and civil unrest in Iran that began on September 16, 2022, following the death of Mahsa Amini is a phenomenon that has attracted worldwide attention. Amini^s death can be seen as a catalyst for a mass movement in the country to protest the government^s arbitrary actions against its citizens. I argue that Amini^s death was a catalyst for mass protests the government^s problems with the country^s economic decline, which in the end has left people feeling dissatisfied and far from prosperous. Iran has been one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and until now, this habit is still practicable and done by the government. Iran is one of the countries with the worst economic management even though it is one of the countries with the largest oil reserves. An unstable economy has made people feel various impacts, namely from state isolation, conflict, and hyperinflation to unemployment for years. Unsurprisingly, protests are no longer a rare thing in Iran because of public anxiety about their low standard of living. The Iranian government itself has responded to the protests with violence-they also consider community movements as a threat that must be ^crushed^, not something to be improved. So, this proves that Iran^s goal to become the most influential country in the region is being paid for by ongoing domestic instability.
Keywords: Iran, Government, Economy, Mass Protest
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| Corresponding Author (Mariane Olivia Delanova)
29 |
International Relations |
ABS-16 |
The Construction of Natuna Military Base in Response to China^s Claim Syahrul Akmal Latif (a), Muhammad Arsy Ash Shiddiqy (b)
a) Criminology Department. Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Islam Riau
b) International Relations Department. Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Islam Riau
The Indonesia-China dispute arose after the People^s Republic of China incorporated the Natuna area into its territory and doing reclamation and then expanded small islands such as Mischief Reef and Subi Island as part of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Natuna consists of seven islands with Ranai as a capital city. In 1597 the Natuna Islands were actually included into territory of the Kingdom of Pattani and the Kingdom of Johor in Malaysia. After Indonesia^s independence, the delegation from Riau handed over sovereignty to the republic based in Java. On May 18, 1956, Indonesia officially registered Natuna island as its territory to the United Nations. Although Indonesia is not a claimant in the South China Sea dispute, Jakarta and Beijing have long been at loggerheads in the Natuna region. The construction of an integrated Indonesian military base in Natuna is not only to send a strong message to China, but also part of Indonesia^s efforts to emerge as a real maritime player in the Indo-Pacific region. This paper uses a qualitative approach and the theoretical concept used is the Deterrence Effect theory, as well as a concept of Defense and Security. The results of this research indicate that Indonesia responds quickly to all actions taken by China to interfere with Indonesia^s sovereignty, one of which is to build an Integrated Military Base in Natuna as a Deterrence Effect against all Chinese claims to Indonesian sovereignty.
Keywords: Military Base, Indonesia, Natuna, China, Deterrence Effect
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Arsy Ash Shiddiqy)
30 |
International Relations |
ABS-24 |
Universitas Potensi Utama
This study deals with the development of English learning materials for the first students of International Relations study program at University of Potensi Utama. The objective of this study is to develop appropriate English learning materials for students of International Relations study program. The research procedures of this study were Research and Development (R&D) through six stages- 1) Gathering information and data, 2) Analyzing data, 3) Designing English learning materials which is validated by experts, 4) Validating new English learning material by experts, 5) Revising English learning materials, 6) Final products (English learning materials). The research was conducted at University of Potensi Utama. The subject of this research was the first semester students of International Relations study program T.A. 2022-2023 which consisting of 30 students. The instruments for collecting data used in this research were documentary sheet, questionnaire and interview. After analyzing the data, the researcher got the students^ needs. The data were gathered by administering interview to the teacher and distributing the questionnaire to 30 respondents to get the students^ needs. The results of the questionnaire and interview showed that the students need English learning materials which are more appropriate to their field that is International Relations. Thus, the result of this study was a supplementary material of the English learning material. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 4.37 from the Head of International Relations study program and 4.54 from English Lecturer. It means that the developing materials categorized as relevant or appropriate for the first semester students of International Relations study program at University of Potensi Utama.
Keywords: English learning materials, International Relations
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| Corresponding Author (Ashari P Swondo)
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