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Digitalization Disruption on MSMEs from Three Bottom Line Perspective in Endemic Era
Ayun Maduwinarti*, IGN. Anom Maruta, Ananda Rahmatullah

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Jl. Semolowaru No.45, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60118


Massive technology disruption has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various sectors are affected by digitalization including business sectors. Many MSMEs must adapt immediately, proved by the amount of MSMEs which manage their marketing strategies using online media. With three bottom line principle, it is expected that MSMEs will be able to adapt with the conditions of consumer behavior that currently pays attention to the social, economic and environmental sustainabilityof the products they buy.The three bottom line, which is based on the three principles of sustainability, starts with people, which is the social dimension in developing sustainable development. Profit is the next principle which is an economic dimension which serves as an alternative perspective to view sustainability fromthe profit sidewhich means that it is legal to carry out sustainable development with the principle of
making a profit. The third one is the planet which is the environmental dimension in order to realize development based on natural sustainability, which means that businesses that are run ethically must be responsible for the surrounding environment. It has been proven simultaneously from various governments and private efforts tosupport sustainable forms of business such as encouraging businesses to pay attention to the impact of their production on the environment. It is expected that withtheincreasing awareness of consumers and MSME actors towards a sustainable system, it will have a good impact for humanity and the surrounding environment.

Keywords: Digitalization, MSME, Sustainability, Endemic

Topic: Business Administration

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