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1) Effiati Juliana Hasibuan, 2) Daryanto Setiawan, 3) Badrul Helmi

1 ) Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
2) STAI As-Sunnah Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Currently, Indonesia is entering an era of digital disruption, where the media of public activity has a high frequency in the use of social media. Almost every day of this life, many people find it in various activities even in busy situations even if they still take the time to use social media. The high frequency of social media use by a person causes the dissemination of information to also become diverse. Some spread positive information as well as negative information. If what is spread is positive information, it is certainly not a problem. However, if what is spread is negative information such as hate speech, provocation messages, hoax messages, and fake news, then this can cause a very large conflict and even harm itself because it leads to lawlessness. This article is carried out through a qualitative-descriptive approach, expected to contribute to the government or interested parties in determining public policy. This article is also expected to contribute to anyone who uses social media to be wiser in social media

Keywords: Wise, social media, Digital Disruption

Topic: Communication

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Daryanto Setiawan)

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