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Mass Media And Public Information Disclosure Policy And Community Development Of Information And Communication In The Province Of South Sumatera
Isna Wijayani(a*), Umi Rahmawati(b), Tatang Sudrajat(c), Bastiar Tambuh(d)

a)Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, Indonesia.
b)Universitas Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu, Indonesia.
c) Universitas Sangga Buana, Bandung, Indonesia.
d) Universitas Taman Siswa, Palembang, Indonesia


In a democratic country and a state of law, the public has the right to obtain information services managed by the government. This is important to build a more democratic life, to make public oversight more effective, and to develop an information society using mass media. The public considers the mass media to have high credibility, so that what is disclosed is considered the truth. Matters relating to the disclosure of public information have been regulated in several state and government regulations at various levels. The substance of some of these regulations contains the public interest, so it is a public policy. This study aims to elaborate on the substance and context of several state regulations, the central government and the provincial government of South Sumatra regarding the disclosure of public information from a public policy perspective.
The method used is normative juridical, literature review, and documentary study. The results show that the public interest in the form of the right to obtain information has been accommodated in Law No. 14 of 2008, Government Regulation No. 61 of 2010, Information Commission Regulation No. 1 of 2010, Permendagri No. 35 of 2010, Governor^s Regulation No. 4 of 2014, Governor^s Regulation No. 77 of 2016 and several local government technical policies. Several aspects of public policy regarding information disclosure are contained in some of these regulations, including issues, objectives, legality, hierarchy, actors, policy institutions, and the policy environment. There are several policy substances that fall into the
category of bad policy, so it is necessary to improve the use of mass media for the effective implementation of this information disclosure policy.

Keywords: Policy, mass media, public information disclosure, information society

Topic: Communication

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