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The Effect of Assistance in Student Creativity Program (PKM) Innovation of Tea Drink Products Made from Coffee Leaves On Increasing the Income of the Entrepreneur Community in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province
Achmad Moelyono, Rosidah, Suryani

Universitas Tulang Bawang - Lampung


The processing sector of the results of a product or community plantation commodity can increase the added value that can increase the standard of living or income of the community. One of the results of people^s plantations is coffee plants. Coffee plants that have been in great demand by the public are the beans which are used as powder for drinks. But it turns out that not only the beans are useful from the coffee plant, but also the leaves that can be used. One of the partners who has a business in the field of coffee processing, especially coffee leaves which is managed by the Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association (IPMM) of Lampung Province in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The business which was founded by the Partner Group in 2021 is still a simple process. This study raises the issue of whether there is an effect of product innovation on coffee leaf tea on increasing the income of the farmers community in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative.

The results of the research and discussion above, it can be concluded that the increase in the income of the craftsman community. This is due to the high influence of Coffee Leaf Tea-Based Drink Product Innovations. Besides, it is also in accordance with the opinion of 30 research respondents, 23 people (76.67%) stated high. While the increase in the income of the farmers community where 22 people (73.33%) stated it was high. From the results of the respondents above, it can be concluded that the Influence of Product Innovation of Drinks Made from Coffee Leaf Tea on Increasing the Income of Farmers in Kresno Widodo Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province has a high influence. It is suggested that there is a need for better innovations by using more modern tools to increase production that can compete in the community.

Keywords: Innovation, coffee leaf tea, income

Topic: Business Administration

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