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Relationality in China^s Vaccine Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
Stenly Djatah (a), Yohanes Sulaiman (b), Mariane Olivia Delanova (c)

(a) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(b) Jenderal Achmad Yani University
(c) Jenderal Achmad Yani University


At the end of 2019, the international world was shocked by a virus that attacks the respiratory tract of unknown type. The virus was first identified in Wuhan. This virus continues to spread throughout the world. Southeast Asia is the most affected region due to its geographical proximity to China. So that the fatality rate in several countries in Southeast Asia is high. As a friend and neighbours, China has also become one of the areas that are prioritized as recipients of its vaccine diplomacy. China uses this vaccine diplomacy as well to show another identity of itself. In this research, we will use the relational theory developed by Qin Yanqin as a counterbalance to Western theory. This theory emphasizes how the relationship that developed in the East, was very different from that which developed in the West because of the influence of Confucius^ teachings that grew in Asia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method which is presented in a narrative manner. The data obtained using literature review studies related to vaccine diplomacy carried out by China in Southeast Asia.

Keywords: Vaccine Diplomacy, Chinese Diplomacy, Relational Theory, Covid-19, China and Southeast Asia Relations

Topic: International Relations

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mariane Olivia Delanova)

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