Sri Indarti, Juim, Fitria Yuliani

Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu


The tourism developmentpolicy is theprima donna in Rejang Lebong Regency, which is one of the buffers for the tourism industry in Bengkulu Province. The implementation of the Lake Mas Harun Bastari tourism object in Rejang Lebong Regency has been developed in collaboration between the local government, the private sector and the community, supported by various potential natural resources and human resources such as hill views, agro, as well as village, community, and cultural potentials. This study aims to analyze the implementation ofpolicies, as a collaboration between the government, the private sector and the community in the development of Lake Mas tourism objects. This qualitative research uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations and documentation studies. The results of the study found that collaboration had been established between local governments, the private sector and the community but had not been realized in a complete and comprehensive manner. The collaboration has succeeded in developing tourism facilities and infrastructure, growing a variety of tourism businesses and supporting tourism managed by the private sector and the community such as lodging, culinary, fruit andflower gardens and creating a variety oftourism businesses andpublic services, as well as developing the Karang Jaya tourist village.The embodiment ofcollaboration is not yet complete, where there are results ofthe development oftourismfacilities that are not utilized optimally and legality is needed in some collaborations between stakeholders. Development collaboration requires strengthening, so that collaboration can be carried out comprehensively and continuously

Keywords: Policy, Collaboration, Tourism Village

Topic: Administration

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