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International Relations |
ABS-33 |
Indonesia^s Foreign Relations Era of Regional Autonomy: Sister City Cooperation Evaluation Study Between the City of Semarang (Indonesia) and the City of Jung Gu (South Korea) In The Year 2016-2021 Anna Yulia Hartati, Agus Riyanto, Andi Purwono, Suharto
Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang
Indonesia^s Foreign Relations Era of Regional Autonomy:
Sister City Cooperation Evaluation Study Between the City of Semarang (Indonesia) and the City of Jung Gu (South Korea) In The Year 2016-2021
Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government opens opportunities as an actor in foreign relations. The Semarang City Government of Central Java Province has taken advantage of this opportunity by establishing cooperation with the South Korean city government of Jung Gu. Cooperation between the Semarang City Government and city governments from other countries is important to study because this is a new phenomenon in foreign relations. This article is the result of qualitative descriptive research with documentation studies on relevant sources. An evaluation study is needed to know the efficiency and effectiveness of this policy. This research is focused on cooperation between sister city governments, namely Semarang City Government Indonesia and Jung Gu City Government South Korea
Keywords: Foreign Relations, Era of Regional Autonomy, Sister City, Cooperation Evaluation
Keywords: Foreign Relations, Era of Regional Autonomy, Sister City, Cooperation Evaluation
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| Corresponding Author (ANNA YULIA HARTATI)
32 |
International Relations |
ABS-41 |
Localization of Gender Equality as a Goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Philippines Arief Wicaksono (a) Andi Burchanuddin (b)
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Bosowa University Makassar
This research paper aims to determine the achievement of the Philippines in gender equality norm from the fifth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG^s) by localizing international norms which are then adopted into local norms. The research method is qualitative, and the data collection technique uses literature study, especially by using concept of ^norm localization^ proposed by Amitav Acharya. The results of this study indicate that, even in a patriarchal culture, the Philippines^s efforts to achieve the points and values of the SDGS^s are not a barrier to continuing to realize the goals. The Philippines^s efforts to apply gender equality are also inseparable from the contribution of local aspects, such as the contributiion oh the government, which is assisted by the local women^s movement known as Philippine Women^s Commission (PCW) in managing gender relations. The Philippine government is fully committed to international norms that have been adopted, such as the 1995 Beijing Dclaration and Platform fro Action (BPfA), the ASEAN Women^ Committee, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG^s), and the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Keywords: Gender Equality- Norm- Localization- Sdgs- Philippines- Pcw
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| Corresponding Author (Arief Wicaksono)
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Politics |
ABS-8 |
Universitas Musi Rawas
The formulation of the research is how was the accuracy of money political handling strategy in the phenomenon of general election implementation. The objective of the research is to determine the strategy of money political handling on general election due to the state redemption and democracy enforcement of Indonesia and its factors related to the simultaneous general election. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. Data collected technique was carried out through observation, structured interview, and documentation. The research showed that the candidate had to conduct money politics concerning to vote buying public culture forms. The existence rivalry both internal and external political party. The available proportional general election influenced each rivalry that less controlled both political party and electoral organizer and sealed holding elections system turned to prevent money politics. Furthermore, electoral commission election as the election organizer, election supervision agency has to be able to increase human resource performance who has integrity in developing participation supervision cooperation towards society elements included national army of Indonesia in general election supervising. Henceforth, the conclusion of the research is to conduct socialization massively for changing the mindset of society due to political danger money, the changing of general election system, and improvement integrity and participation cooperating.
Keywords: prevention strategy, vote buying, simultaneous election
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| Corresponding Author (M Fadhillah Harnawansyah)
34 |
Politics |
ABS-36 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
One of the interesting things in the 2020 Regional Head Elections is the nomination of the president^s son and son-in-law as candidates for regional heads, and both were elected as mayors. This issue is interesting amid the pros and cons and the will of the people to minimize dynastic politics in elections and has been the media^s focus. This research focuses on the pro-contra analysis of dynastic political issues, actor networks, and support networks in the 2020 Regional Head Election of Medan City with candidate Bobby Nasution, the president^s son-in-law. The units of analysis are five national and five local online mass media. Using NVivo analysis, the results revealed no narrative of rejection of dynastic politics in society. The rejection of dynastic politics came from political observers and politicians who were political rivals. The aspects of the president^s popularity and family have been the issues dominating the media. In addition, Bobby^s candidacy received full support from political parties and the public. The findings of this study strengthen the argument that candidates from dynastic politics inherit the political network of previous politicians or their political families, thus supporting their victory in the elections.
Keywords: Political Dynasty, Regional Head Election, Political Network, Popularity, Mass Media
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| Corresponding Author (Titin Purwaningsih)
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Politics |
ABS-39 |
University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
Since the reformation in 1998 with the birth of Law no. 22/1999 on regional government or better known as regional autonomy, which was later changed to Law no. 32/2004 and subsequently changed to Law no. 23/2014. The enactment of the law reopens opportunities for regions to determine leaders independently as a form of people^s aspirations which is carried out through political contestation at the local level. The phenomenon of local politics is often colored by conflicts of interest. so that political practice that takes place is often inversely proportional to the ideal level. This study discusses political segmentation in Central Kalimantan which is formed naturally and plays an important role in political dynamics in Central Kalimantan. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, the data collection method in this study combines library methods and field research. The results of the study indicate that there are four political segments in Central Kalimantan that play a very important role in the victory of a political contestant so that they are often targets for their support. The four segments are ethnic segmentation, religious segmentation, local elite segmentation and mass organization segmentation.
Keywords: Political Segmentation, Local Politics
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| Corresponding Author (Sadar Sadar)
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Public Administration |
ABS-1 |
Model and Strategy of Collaborative Governance in Developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Ginung Pratidina, Euis Salbiah, Gotfridus Goris Seran
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social, Political and Computer Sciences, Universitas Djuanda
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have emerged as socio-economic forces and have contributed to increase income per capita and to improve social welfare. In accordance with the emergence of MSMEs, a new form of governing has emerged as a mode of policy making and implementation, mentioned as collaborative governance. The aim of this research is to elaborate the model and to formulate the strategy of collaborative governance in developing MSMEs. Method of this research is descriptive-qualitative. Results of this research indicate that the model of collaborative governance in developing MSMEs is designed on four dimensions, namely starting conditions, institutional design, leadership, and collaborative process. And the strategy of collaborative governance in developing MSMEs is formulated on public-private-people partnership. In concluding, developing MSMEs needs collaborative governance that brings multiple stakeholders together in collective forums with public agencies to engage in consensus-oriented policy making and implementation.
Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Deliberative Policy-Making, Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises, Public-Private-People Partnership
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| Corresponding Author (Gotfridus Goris Seran)
37 |
Public Administration |
ABS-2 |
PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTRONIC LAND CERTIFICATE Yudha Purbawa (1)*, Septina Marryanti Prihatin (2), Arditya Wicaksono (3), Romi Nugroho (4), Halimah Ratna Sari (4)
(1) Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
(2) Research Center for Geospatial, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
(3) Research Center for Social Welfare, Village, and Connectivity, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
(4) Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR/BPN)
In the frame of e-government, recently the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency issued an electronic land certificate policy through ministerial regulation number 1 of 2021 concerning electronic certificates. Since this is a relatively new policy and its acceptance level is still unidentified, this paper is aimed to measure the public acceptance index of the electronic land certificate by conducting an online survey in DKI Jakarta Province because it is included as one of the pilot projects provinces for the policy implementation. The data were collected by conducting an online survey using the questionnaire, however, only 101 out of 1,625 respondents answered the survey questionnaire. Data consisted of 48 respondents in the control group and 53 respondents in the treatment group. We further estimated the effect of attaching detailed information about the electronic land certificate in the questionnaire on the acceptance level by using coarsened exact matching. The acceptance level in DKI Jakarta is relatively high, it is 3.33, 3.40, and 3.47 (1 to 5 Likert scale) for each statement of acceptance. We found that attaching detailed information about the electronic land certificate in the questionnaire has no significant effect on its acceptance. We suggest the government should consider not only the readiness of the internal aspect but also the public acceptance, and it is necessary to measure the public acceptance of the policy in other provinces to enlarge the observations because public acceptance reflects the size of the benefits derived from the electronic land certificate policy.
Keywords: Public Acceptance, Electronic Land Certificate, Coarsened Exact Matching
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| Corresponding Author (Yudha Purbawa)
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Public Administration |
ABS-3 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
In Makassar City, during the online learning process (e-learning) at Covid-19 pandemic, the number of children dropping out of school increased significantly. The number of children dropping out of school in 2019, at the elementary level were 906 children, then for junior high school were 1,362 children. In 2020, for elementary school were 639 children who have dropped out of school. Meanwhile, for the junior high school level were 895 children whose status was no longer in school. This research was conducted to develop an applied model of new normal e-learning which was built from strengthening the results of exploration of technology accessibility as one of the Key Success Factors of E-learning. The use of innovative technology as an E-Learning learning medium is needed to facilitate teachers so they can carry out their duties well as teachers and students carry out their obligations to study well. The research was carried out at primary and secondary education providers, at the elementary, junior high, and senior/vocational high schools. A mixed methods approach was used to capture more extensive and in-depth quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed that not all schools in Makassar City were able to take part in learning with the concept of e-learning, due to limited access to technology such as a network that is not good in accessing the internet and not all students who have cellphones can access the internet, so Sombere Smart Sikola educational innovation was initiated to overcome these obstacles.
Keywords: Technology Accessibility, E-Learning
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| Corresponding Author (Nuryanti Mustari)
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Public Administration |
ABS-14 |
Understanding The Allocation Program Performance : Analysis on Implementation Village Performance Assessment in Indonesia Nani Harlinda Nurdin (a), Zulkarnain Hamson (b)
(a) Social and Political Sciens Faculty, Universitas Indonesia Timur, Makassar
(b) Social and Political Sciens Faculty, Universitas Indonesia Timur, Makassar,
This study aims to understand implementation village fund policy in Indonesia with analysis on appraisal performance.. Basically, this method, study descriptive qualitative analysis with analyze documents, study previous and documented government to get more evidence _ detail related to the performance fund allocation program intended for whole villages in Indonesia. Data obtained from Term Development Plan National Intermediate, Ministry Finance and Ministry Programs Village Development of Underdeveloped Areas And Transmigration. Finding this study was obtained on categories and assessment indicators are in the stage implementation. The Conclusion, that policy performance fund allocation is to motivate villages to improve performance cover enhancement Village Original Income, alleviation poverty , as well as improvement of village status. Implication practical from study this generated from program implications on categories and indicators his assessment . By whole implementation based on category is not all government areas accommodated in evaluation Performance Allocation. As for the assessment indicator still there is some who don^t can applied in the area, and requires understanding village about evaluation performance , so that the assessment indicators need repair .
Keywords: Policy Program_Government, Performance Fund Allocation, Village Performance
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| Corresponding Author (Nani Harlinda Nurdin)
40 |
Public Administration |
ABS-17 |
e-Government Implementation The use of e-kelurahan improving Public Service Siti Osa Kossasy1,* Sinta Westika Putri2, F. Yasmeardi3 Yenni Jufri4, Eva Suryani5
Abstract is suKelurahan As an institution that is very close to the community, it implements e-government in the form of services to the community through the e-kelurahan application. The problem that arises from this is for people who are still technologically savvy, can they still use e-kelurahan to take care of administration. The purpose of this research is to see how the use of e-kelurahan in improving public services to the community in the Kampung Pondok Village, Padang City. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative in the form of in-depth interviews with the community and related parties. The results of the study indicate that the use of e-kelurahan applications in improving public services is still not effective because there are still many people who carry out services manually, lack of socialization by officers to the community about the importance of using e-kelurahan.
Keywords: ^public service^ ^e-government^ ^community satisfaction^
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| Corresponding Author (Siti Osa Kossasy)
41 |
Public Administration |
ABS-26 |
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University, Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 468 Langkapura Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.
Factors causing the taxpayer^s indifference in paying motor vehicle taxes include the abolition of motorized vehicle taxes and fees for transferring the name of motorized vehicles not educating the public, the existence of tax whitening and motor vehicle whitening fees could be misinterpreted by the public/taxpayers by thinking that in the future day will be done bleaching again. In addition, because taxpayers deliberately procrastinate, are busy with work so they cannot pay taxes, and deliberately wait for whitening. This whitening is expected to be able to bring order to the public/taxpayers in paying taxes where the government also makes it easier for taxpayers or taxpayers to pay taxes that are far enough away to come to the Samsat office, then payments can be made at the nearest Samsat or mobile samsat outlet. In increasing public awareness of taxpayers, this whitening seeks to further develop the consistency of citizens in paying taxes with government efforts. Efforts are being made to provide motivating tax incentives through increasing tax taxes and increasing tax awareness. The purpose of this study was to determine the whitening of motor vehicle taxes and to know the awareness of the taxpayers at the Regional Revenue Agency of Lampung Province, while the analytical method used was qualitative observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the whitening of motorized vehicle taxes and transfer fees for motorized vehicles at the Regional Revenue Agency of Lampung Province, does not educate the public, the existence of tax whitening and transfer fees for motorized vehicles is a taxpayer by thinking that in the future there will be another whitening in addition to awareness Taxpayers deliberately procrastinate on the grounds that they are busy with work so they cannot pay their taxes. Awareness of paying taxes from the past until now has not reached the level it should be. In general, the public or taxpayers still think that taxes are burdensome levies or tributes. Whereas the more advanced society or taxpayers and their government, the higher the level of awareness in paying taxes.
Keywords: vehicle tax, public awareness, taxpayers
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Fikri Akbar)
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Public Administration |
ABS-27 |
a*) Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin
b) Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin
This research aims to find the strategic value of local wisdom that strengthens the independence of the community. It will support the blue economy policy. The research framework adopts the concept of a blue economy from Gaulli and The concept of social wisdom from Hasbullah. Researchers use a quantitative paradigm with the application of techniques SWOT analysis. Then the researcher looks for the IFAS and EFAS values. These values become the determination of the Blue Economy policy strategy in the fishing villages studied. The unit of analysis is the fishing community groups in several villages in Pondok Kelapa District, Bengkulu. The study population was 127. The sample consisted of 94 fishermen (Kretjie Table with = 5%). The questionnaire was compiled based on information obtained from FGD activities. Validity and reliability tests were carried out before data collection. The validity test used was items check correlated ( Spearman Rho) with the provisions of df = 5%. The results show nil ai rho count greater than 0.300. The reliability test used is based on the split half technique. The test resulted in the value of cronbach alpha= 0.893. The results showed the value of IFAS (-1) and EFAS(2,5). The factors of independence, cooperation, mutual trust, attachment to groups, and adherence to consensus are strengths to overcome the threat of conflicts of interest, lack of resources, and even natural threats. The research has implications for deliberative and bottom-up blue economy policies and programs.
Keywords: Independence- trust- consensus- SWOT Analysis- deliberative policy
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| Corresponding Author (Alexsander Alexsander)
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Public Administration |
ABS-29 |
University Baturaja, University Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, University Sangga Buana
The socio-economic welfare of rural communities has long been a concern of the government. Various policies or programs are directed at improving the quality of life, which constitutes the majority of this nation^s population. One of them is the issuance of various state and government regulations at various levels regarding Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa), including in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. Because the content of the regulation relates to the public interest, it is basically a public policy. Many public policy substances that regulate this do not meet the requirements to be called good policy. This study aims to examine and evaluate various policy substances issued in the form of laws, government regulations, ministerial regulations, and regional regulations governing BUM Desa.
The research uses normative juridical methods, policy evaluation and literature review. The results show that the commitment of the state/government to improve the welfare of rural communities is evident in the form of Law No. 6 of 2014, PP No. 43 of 2014, Permen Desa PDTT No. 4 of 2015, Permendagri No. 39 of 2010, and Perda No. 10 of 2011. There is a structural-hierarchical relationship between the local government as an operational policy maker and the central government as a policy maker on BUM Desa at the national level. A regional regulation on BUM Desa has not yet been established in accordance with the regulations regarding villages and BUM Desa that are currently in effect. There are several policy substances that are considered bad policies, because they are unclear, not operational/incomplete, ambiguous and contradictory. This will have implications for the ineffective implementation of BUM Desa policies by policy implementers at the lowest level of government. As a basis for effective policy implementation, there needs to be a revision of the substance of several regulations regarding the BUM Desa.
Keywords: evaluation, public policy, village-owned enterprises.
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| Corresponding Author (Achmad Zaharuddin)
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Public Administration |
ABS-43 |
Integration of Values and Ethics of Public Administration in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Happy Susanto - Syamsudin
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) AAN Yogyakarta - Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
The transformation of government organizations is currently undergoing a change from the old design to the new design in order to create innovations in governance and better public services for the benefit of the wider community. Innovation and technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 cannot be separated from the issue of values and ethics. The purpose of this study is to examine how the integration of values and ethics of public administration in the era of disruption and technological innovation. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods sourced from various literatures, both primary and secondary, an analysis of the various literature is carried out. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the integration of values and ethics must be applied in governance innovations and public services. Values and ethics are not simply installed as a set of separate norms in the technological innovation process, but are integrated together.
Keywords: Administration Ethics - Values - Ethics - Public Administration - Industrial Revolution 4.0.
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| Corresponding Author (Happy Susanto)
45 |
Public Administration |
ABS-51 |
1,2,3,4 Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Djuanda Bogor. Jl. Tol Ciawi No.1 Kotak Pos 35, Bogor 16720
Public services are important in the community considering the community^s need for services continues to increase, one of which is population administration services. Moreover, in the Covid-19 era which resulted in various restrictions, population administration services needed innovation as was done by Cibinong District, Bogor Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the innovation strategy of ^Kopi Seduh^ and improving the quality of administrative services. The research method is a quantitative study with a sample of 100 residents. The results showed that the innovation strategy of ^Kopi Seduh^ had a strong influence because it was in the range of 0.60 - 0.799.
Keywords: Innovation- Coffee Seduh- Public service.
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| Corresponding Author (Cecep Wahyudin)
46 |
Public Relations |
ABS-35 |
1 Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk Banggai
3 Universitas Sangga Buana, Bandung
The government has done many things in providing services and welfare to the people, most of whom live in rural areas and are still in a cycle of poverty. Therefore, the government^s focus is to increase the degree of socio-economic welfare by presenting Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa). This is a form of public interest which is formalized in several state and government regulations in various regions, including in Banggai Regency. In accordance with its authority as the holder of government power, regulation at various levels of government is basically a public policy. The regulation of organizational and policy aspects contained in several state, central and local government regulations is often not based on the principle of good policy. This study aims to identify and elaborate various aspects of the organization and policies contained in all regulations regarding the BUM Desa.
The research uses normative juridical methods, literature review and documentation studies. The results of the study indicate that the socio-economic welfare of rural communities as a policy issue has been embodied in Law Number 6 of 2014, Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014, Minister of Village Regulation Number 4 of 2015, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 39 of 2010, and Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2011. There is a relationship structural relationship between the central government as a policy maker at the national level and the local government as an operational policy maker regarding BUM Desa. There are arrangements for several structural and contextual dimensions of the organization as well as policy aspects in these regulations. Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2011 has not been revised in accordance with the current regulations on villages and BUM Desa. There are several policy substances that are considered bad policies, because they are unclear, not operational/incomplete, ambiguous and contradictory. This can potentially lead to multiple interpretations among policy implementers when this BUM Desa regulation is implemented at the lowest level of government. It is necessary to improve the substance in several policies regarding the BUM Desa.
Keywords: organization, policy, public policy, village-owned enterprises.
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| Corresponding Author (Ichwan Muis)
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Social Welfare |
ABS-48 |
Increasing the Capture of Plastic Waste in the Mangrove Area of the East Coast of Surabaya Rachmawati Novaria, Suko Istijanto, I Putu Rippa Sogawa, Sefty Maharani Devi
FISIP Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
The amount of plastic waste in the mangrove forest area is a problem for the people on the Pamurbaya coast. In addition to making environmental conditions uncomfortable, it also makes fish catches not optimal. This condition is faced by people living on the coast of Pamurbaya. Where the land is located at the mouth of the river border between Surabaya and Sidoarjo, it often faces the problem of plastic waste. The estuary area becomes a place for the accumulation of garbage dumped into the river. The flow of water carries goods that are considered worthless to the sea. When the river recedes, the garbage settles on the banks of the river and between the mangrove trees that thrive in this area. thus making the coastal area of ​-​-Pamurbaya slum. This inspired Kusniyati to be able to clean up her environment by mobilizing the surrounding community to clean their environment by catching plastic waste from the sea and selling it to the collectors, apparently this can increase family income. The first partner problem: the lack of equipment to collect plastic waste. And the two marketing managements are still not good because they are only sold to collectors so they only get a thin sales margin. The quality of plastic waste produced is highly dependent on the method of collection, quality of results and production capacity. The current condition is that the amount of plastic waste produced per month is around 2 to 3 tons of plastic waste, both collected by fishermen and household waste around the area. The solution offered by the establishment of this BSBM is that residents do not throw garbage into the river, but can sell it to BSBM. The condition of the number of catching plastic waste, which is still small compared to the plastic waste scattered in the mangrove area, the lack of equipment for catching plastic waste, and the second problem is that it is still difficult to process the captured plastic waste where the plastic waste still needs to be cleaned, sorted and colle
Keywords: plastic waste, fishing, mangroves
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| Corresponding Author (rachmawati novaria)
48 |
Sociology |
ABS-18 |
Langlangbuana University
Language is the tool through which the human beings, transmit messages on all communication channels. Through it we cooperate, know the experiences of others, appropriate our social experience and generalize it into ideas, into concepts, which we then transform into both individual and social consciousness. Language is a social act. It requires not only biological mechanisms and the necessary cognitive capacities, but also interaction with a communication partner.. At the human level, the principle of verbalization must be one of the important principles to explain its behavior. The function of communication is not evident only through the simple possession of language. Using language also implies the need to be understood by those to whom we address. There is no communication when only one speaks and the other only listens. Communication is definitely a two-way street.
The language of leadership is a comprehensive toolset of smart, thought-provoking, and actionable leadership communication tactics and an important fresh perspective on what it takes to truly lead.The leadership constitues a language of persuation which has the athics and ecology.This paper aims to describe the importance of leadership language in various situations
Keywords: leadership, persuation, ethics, ecology
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| Corresponding Author (Lisdawati Wahjudin)
49 |
Sociology |
ABS-34 |
Collective Violence and Solidarity in External Student Organizations Rahmah Fitriana1,2*, Sanggar Kanto3, Anif Fatma Chawa3, Siti Kholifah3
1 Post Graduate Student, Department Sociology, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
2 Department Communication, Macassar Islamic University, Macassar, Indonesia
3 Department Sociology, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email: rahmahfitriana[at]student.ub.ac.id
Students are often caught in situations, so they are violent. Personal conflicts turn into group problems. Collective violence occurs in the name of group solidarity. This study investigates if there is a relationship between student unity and organizational principles supporting mass violence. Students from two different ethnic groups who are members of local student organizations participated in interviews for this study. Student organizations with a strong sense of community have made it so that the principles upheld by those organizations bind members. Senior students can instill local beliefs that cause student organizations to feel morally obligated to assist peers with issues. This study provides a conclusive response to organizational principles and student unity that support mass violence. Additional research is required to examine student violence across a range of backgrounds and the academic climate in institutions. The coaching model used with external students will likely be impacted by differences in the college^s educational climate and background organizations.
Keywords: solidarity, student organization, violence, collective violence
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