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Constitutive Communication: Mapping of Communication and Changes in Indonesian Legislative Institutions
Elly Yuliawati (a*), Kurniawan Prasetyo (b), Juwono Tri Atmojo (b)

Universitas Mercu Buana
Jl. Raya Meruya Selatan No.1, Kembangan
Jakarta 11650


Communication is the concern of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in carrying out its functions and authorities. This study examines the flow of information, coordination and change management designed by the DPR RI to reach out to its stakeholders. Using the case study method, this research resulted in a mapping of communication and changes in the development of good governance in the DPR RI. Based on constitutive communication- The self-organization of the Secretariat General and the Expertise Board of the DPR RI is based on the situation and conditions that continue to develop and dependent on the needs of the structure of the DPR RI. Membership negotiation through internal communication and socialization of organizational values. Coordination of activities is established in a formal form through the establishment of Organizational Business Processes and Standard Operating Procedures. The DPR RI establishes and maintains an institutional position through community-oriented programs. The study concluded that the DPR RI made changes to the institutional structure that was quite dynamic by building and maintaining the existence, image, status, and two-way communication channels with stakeholders as well as implementing change management through a bureaucratic reform.

Keywords: Constitutive Communication- Change management- Good governance- Legislative Institutions

Topic: Communication

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