Anwar1, Agus Subagyo2, Danny Permana3

Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani


Environmental development efforts in an effort to manage development that are sustainable and environmentally sound are expected to be able to provide a clear picture of things that are expected to be able to support the community in meeting their needs while still paying attention to the environment by prioritizing ethics and knowledge about the environment in an environment. perspective held by the community and the local government of Bandung Regency. This study uses descriptive analysis. The reason for using descriptive analysis is that it is expected to describe and analyze a phenomenon that exists with the actual situation. The method used is by using an empirical juridical approach. The conclusion of this study is that the role of the local government of Bandung Regency is still not optimal, this is because there are still various problems of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, public awareness. The obstacles in management are the rampant land conversion, lack of public awareness, and weak law enforcement. The efforts carried out by the Bandung Regency Government are packaged in a program called ^Sabilulungan Raksa Desa^. The strategy for implementing these activities is based on a value system, namely, Worship-Based Conservation and Welfare, Household-Based Waste Management and Community-Based Environmental Pollution Control through the Spirit of ^Keeping the Village Take Care of Overtime^.

Keywords: Role of Local Government, Environmental Management, West Bandung Regency.

Topic: Government

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