Reconstructing 3 (Three) Dimensions of Yogyakarta Shadow Puppet Character ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^ Using Symbolic Analogy Method 1st Budi Suyanto, S.T., M.Eng.1, 2nd Ahmad Taufiq Akbar, S.Si., M.Cs 2, 3nd Dyah Ayu Irawati, S.T., M.Cs. 1
Information Systems, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta1,3 , informatics, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta2
Wayang kulit is a traditional Indonesian art form, especially one that developed in Java and its sustainability must be preserved. In November 2003, UNESCO recognized the Wayang kulit performance as an extraordinary cultural work in the field of storytelling. storytelling and a beautiful and valuable heritage (a masterpiece of the oral and spiritual heritage of mankind).
There are many interesting Javanese wayang characters to know, because the characters and stories of each wayang character have social values that can be lessons such as the example of the wayang kulit character ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^.
Applications in the 3-dimensional field include various kinds, both in the form of game software, animation, architectural design, advertising, etc.
3 (three) dimensional wayang animation will be more popular with the younger generation. In this study, a prototype of 3D wayang animation was created that is related to the 2D wayang kulit ^Yogyakarta^ using the symbolic analogy method. The results of the study are presented in the form of examples of Yogyakarta shadow puppet characters ^Togog^ or ^Tejamantri^ in 3D form. From these 3D characters, a 3D shadow puppet film or video will be designed.
Keywords: Wayang, 3-Dimensional, Symbolic Analogy, Togog
Topic: Engineering