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Evaluation of Water Injection Performance Using Buckley-Leverett Method on BRF Layer in ^ASA^ Field
Dyah Rini R.- M.Th. Kristiati- Edgie Yuda K- M. Syukron- Ahsha N.

Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta


The BRF Layer is one of the hydrocarbon-producing layers in the ^ASA^ Field. This field began production in October 1999. The water injection started in 2005 and was able to increase oil production. Then after production, the reservoir pressure decreased from 2312 psi to 850 psi, and oil production was reduced too. The decline of pressure and rate needs to be evaluated. The method used to increase pressure and production rate is water injection. Evaluation of water injection performance was carried out using the Buckley-Leverett method. Work using this method begins with collecting field data, and then analyzing fluid movement using fractional flow calculations. The next step is to calculate the estimated water injection performance in the period from filling to breakthrough and after breakthrough. Evaluation is also carried out by analyzing production data after water injection. In addition, analysis using the Hall Plot and Chan^s Diagnostic Plot methods was carried out to determine the condition of injection and production wells. Observation of the BRF layer resulted in an area sweep efficiency of 0.89 and a mobility ratio of 0.27. The prediction is the water injection will be a breakthrough on day 952. The cumulative production was obtained at 1.88 MMbbl and a recovery factor of 46.28% with an injection rate of 2.8 Mbbl/d. The water injection project in this field can be continued because it has an effect on increasing oil acquisition.

Keywords: Water Injection, Buckley-Leverett Method, Chan^s Diagnostic Plot, Hall Plot.

Topic: Engineering

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