Remaining Reserve Determination with Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach Method in Gas Well Edgie Yuda Kaesti (a*), Ratna Widyaningsih (a), Hari Prapcoyo (b), Muhammad Zakiy Y (a), Aditya Satrio Kuncoro (a)
(a) Petroleum Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(b) Information Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Mujjo field is a gas production field that has been producing since 2004 in the MJ layer. The MJ layer is known to have large reserves.Thus calculations are carried out to determine the remaining gas reserves in the MJ layer.
This study calculates the value of Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) and Remaining Reserves (RR) using the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method. Boundary dominated ^b^ approach is a method of predicting production behavior based on the estimation of the value of ^b^ by assuming that the well drainage radius has been reached and has flowed in boundary dominated conditions. The Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is done by plotting qt Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach and Gp Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach and then matching with the actual rate and cumulative production data. To perform the matching, this research work regressed the parameters b, Di, and qi. The three parameters were initially assumed before regression. Before entering the regression stage of the three parameters, the calculation of qt and GP of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is carried out first because it will be matched against the actual cumulative production rate.
The results of the calculation using the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method, the value of the parameter ^b^ used is zero because the type of decline is exponential. The parameter Di is 0.69 (A.n.) or 69% per year for the production decline. The calculation result for parameter qi is 2.958 MMSCFD. The EUR value of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is 1971.06 MMSCF, and the remaining reserves of the Boundary-Dominated ^b^ Approach method is 27.01 MMSCF.
Keywords: reserve, gas well, remaining reserve, Boundary-Dominated ^b^
Topic: Engineering