Understanding The Allocation Program Performance : Analysis on Implementation Village Performance Assessment in Indonesia
Nani Harlinda Nurdin (a), Zulkarnain Hamson (b)

(a) Social and Political Sciens Faculty, Universitas Indonesia Timur, Makassar
(b) Social and Political Sciens Faculty, Universitas Indonesia Timur, Makassar,


This study aims to understand implementation village fund policy in Indonesia with analysis on appraisal performance.. Basically, this method, study descriptive qualitative analysis with analyze documents, study previous and documented government to get more evidence _ detail related to the performance fund allocation program intended for whole villages in Indonesia. Data obtained from Term Development Plan National Intermediate, Ministry Finance and Ministry Programs Village Development of Underdeveloped Areas And Transmigration. Finding this study was obtained on categories and assessment indicators are in the stage implementation. The Conclusion, that policy performance fund allocation is to motivate villages to improve performance cover enhancement Village Original Income, alleviation poverty , as well as improvement of village status. Implication practical from study this generated from program implications on categories and indicators his assessment . By whole implementation based on category is not all government areas accommodated in evaluation Performance Allocation. As for the assessment indicator still there is some who don^t can applied in the area, and requires understanding village about evaluation performance , so that the assessment indicators need repair .

Keywords: Policy Program_Government, Performance Fund Allocation, Village Performance

Topic: Public Administration

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