Sadar, Irwani

University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya


Since the reformation in 1998 with the birth of Law no. 22/1999 on regional government or better known as regional autonomy, which was later changed to Law no. 32/2004 and subsequently changed to Law no. 23/2014. The enactment of the law reopens opportunities for regions to determine leaders independently as a form of people^s aspirations which is carried out through political contestation at the local level. The phenomenon of local politics is often colored by conflicts of interest. so that political practice that takes place is often inversely proportional to the ideal level. This study discusses political segmentation in Central Kalimantan which is formed naturally and plays an important role in political dynamics in Central Kalimantan. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, the data collection method in this study combines library methods and field research. The results of the study indicate that there are four political segments in Central Kalimantan that play a very important role in the victory of a political contestant so that they are often targets for their support. The four segments are ethnic segmentation, religious segmentation, local elite segmentation and mass organization segmentation.

Keywords: Political Segmentation, Local Politics

Topic: Politics

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