SOCIAL WISDOM AND BLUE ECONOMY POLICY : ANSWERING THE PARADOX OF WEAKNESS AND OPPORTUNITY OF FISHERMAN VILLAGE IN BENGKULU a*) Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin Abstract This research aims to find the strategic value of local wisdom that strengthens the independence of the community. It will support the blue economy policy. The research framework adopts the concept of a blue economy from Gaulli and The concept of social wisdom from Hasbullah. Researchers use a quantitative paradigm with the application of techniques SWOT analysis. Then the researcher looks for the IFAS and EFAS values. These values become the determination of the Blue Economy policy strategy in the fishing villages studied. The unit of analysis is the fishing community groups in several villages in Pondok Kelapa District, Bengkulu. The study population was 127. The sample consisted of 94 fishermen (Kretjie Table with = 5%). The questionnaire was compiled based on information obtained from FGD activities. Validity and reliability tests were carried out before data collection. The validity test used was items check correlated ( Spearman Rho) with the provisions of df = 5%. The results show nil ai rho count greater than 0.300. The reliability test used is based on the split half technique. The test resulted in the value of cronbach alpha= 0.893. The results showed the value of IFAS (-1) and EFAS(2,5). The factors of independence, cooperation, mutual trust, attachment to groups, and adherence to consensus are strengths to overcome the threat of conflicts of interest, lack of resources, and even natural threats. The research has implications for deliberative and bottom-up blue economy policies and programs. Keywords: Independence- trust- consensus- SWOT Analysis- deliberative policy Topic: Public Administration |
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