Increasing the Capture of Plastic Waste in the Mangrove Area of the East Coast of Surabaya Rachmawati Novaria, Suko Istijanto, I Putu Rippa Sogawa, Sefty Maharani Devi
FISIP Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
The amount of plastic waste in the mangrove forest area is a problem for the people on the Pamurbaya coast. In addition to making environmental conditions uncomfortable, it also makes fish catches not optimal. This condition is faced by people living on the coast of Pamurbaya. Where the land is located at the mouth of the river border between Surabaya and Sidoarjo, it often faces the problem of plastic waste. The estuary area becomes a place for the accumulation of garbage dumped into the river. The flow of water carries goods that are considered worthless to the sea. When the river recedes, the garbage settles on the banks of the river and between the mangrove trees that thrive in this area. thus making the coastal area of ​-​-Pamurbaya slum. This inspired Kusniyati to be able to clean up her environment by mobilizing the surrounding community to clean their environment by catching plastic waste from the sea and selling it to the collectors, apparently this can increase family income. The first partner problem: the lack of equipment to collect plastic waste. And the two marketing managements are still not good because they are only sold to collectors so they only get a thin sales margin. The quality of plastic waste produced is highly dependent on the method of collection, quality of results and production capacity. The current condition is that the amount of plastic waste produced per month is around 2 to 3 tons of plastic waste, both collected by fishermen and household waste around the area. The solution offered by the establishment of this BSBM is that residents do not throw garbage into the river, but can sell it to BSBM. The condition of the number of catching plastic waste, which is still small compared to the plastic waste scattered in the mangrove area, the lack of equipment for catching plastic waste, and the second problem is that it is still difficult to process the captured plastic waste where the plastic waste still needs to be cleaned, sorted and colle