Localization of Gender Equality as a Goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Philippines
Arief Wicaksono (a) Andi Burchanuddin (b)

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Bosowa University Makassar


This research paper aims to determine the achievement of the Philippines in gender equality norm from the fifth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG^s) by localizing international norms which are then adopted into local norms. The research method is qualitative, and the data collection technique uses literature study, especially by using concept of ^norm localization^ proposed by Amitav Acharya. The results of this study indicate that, even in a patriarchal culture, the Philippines^s efforts to achieve the points and values of the SDGS^s are not a barrier to continuing to realize the goals. The Philippines^s efforts to apply gender equality are also inseparable from the contribution of local aspects, such as the contributiion oh the government, which is assisted by the local women^s movement known as Philippine Women^s Commission (PCW) in managing gender relations. The Philippine government is fully committed to international norms that have been adopted, such as the 1995 Beijing Dclaration and Platform fro Action (BPfA), the ASEAN Women^ Committee, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG^s), and the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Keywords: Gender Equality- Norm- Localization- Sdgs- Philippines- Pcw

Topic: International Relations

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