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Faiszul Izuwan Bin Iskandar (a*), Muhammad Farhan Bin Rosli (b), Haziq Bin AB.Manaf (c)

Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School
faiszulizuwan966[at] , sharina[at]


In today^s world, the rise of digital technology is rephrasing the number of people engaging into digital sector rapidly. Consumers are accustomed to shopping or even ordering online through apps or websites with convenience. The food ordering application is getting reasonably popular among the people who use the internet. This study was set to determine the factor affecting purchase intention of customers on food delivery application. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 120 respondents of people that using the food delivery application services, using convenience and judgement or purposive sampling technique. Data was analysed using frequencies, percentages, means, and multiple linear regression. The study was based on research objectives that aimed to determine the affecting purchase intention among the customers toward food delivery application. The findings revealed that all independent variable are important to remain in frequently use of the food delivery application. Therefore, it is also recommended that food delivery application industry have to improve rapidly on quality of the efficiency and features in order to give the satisfaction for the people who using the application.

Keywords: Purchase intention of customers- food delivery application- time flexibility- cost saving- promotion

Topic: Social Science

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)

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