THE IMPACT OF INSTAGRAM TOWARDS THE YOUTH PURCHASE INTENTION Faes Daniel Abdul Talib (a*), Muhammad Farid Arsyad Sahril (b), Nurul Husna Abd Hamid (c)
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School
Instagram is a mobile application for photo-sharing, video sharing and social media network. It allow the user to take pictures and video for sharing in the application and other platforms. It is one of the popular and fast growing social media application. The users can used Instagram for content-sharing such as news, products, business-sharing and so on. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Instagram towards the youth purchase intention. The dependent variable of this research is youth purchase intention through Instagram- while the independent variables are trust, interactivity and informativeness. The methodology used by the researcher are quantitative, questionnaire tool via Google form, 114 respondents were participated in this study, and using a convenience sampling method. Researcher employed reliability analysis to verify how close the measurement results met the objectives of this study. Whereas, multiple regression analysis used to identify which factor is the most influence on youth purchase intention through Instagram. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that trust, interactivity and informativeness has positive significant association with youth purchase intention through Instagram. Among all the variables, informativeness is the most influence factor on youth purchase intention through Instagram. This results will be benefits to entrepreneur as well they can improve in which factor has the least influence on youth purchase intention through Instagram. For future researcher, they can study different variables to study the impact of Instagram towards the youth purchase intention.
Keywords: Informativeness- Instagram- Interactivity- Purchase Intention- Social Media- Trust