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Development and Gender |
ABS-40 |
a) Civil Engineering Master Degree Program of Hasanuddin University, Gowa,
b) Civil Engineering Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
Abstract. The nipa - nipa regulation pool is one of the flood control building facilities built after the confluence of the Tallo River and the Mangalarang River to control floods in Makassar City and Maros Regency due to the overflow of the Tallo River downstream with a system operation to collect water entering through the side channel spillway during peak flooding for a while and drain it back to the Tallo River . This study aims to (1) analyze the flood discharge of the tallo river which can be reduced by the side spillway, (2) to analyze the effect of the Nipa - Nipa Regulated Pool on the downstream part of the Tallo River. Nipa Against Flood Control in the Tallo River to control flooding in the downstream part of the river using the flood tracking method. This research method is a method of tracking floods and calculating the design flood discharge using the HSS Nakayasu and ITB II methods and simulation with HEC-RAS 5.0.7. The results of this analysis are in order to support the control of maximum urban floods due to the overflow of the downstream tallo river and support sustainable development.
Keywords: river,flood fouting, and the side spillway
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| Corresponding Author (MUH. RIZAL MUSTAMIN)
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Infrastructure |
ABS-3 |
BUILDING CRITERIA FOR PATIENT ISOLATION / QUARANTINE DURING PANDEMI IN THE CITY OF SEMARANG Dr. Raditya Hari Murti, ST, M.Sc, Dr. Ir. Pranoto.SA, Dipl.HE, MT, Julmadian Abda, ST. MT, Robi Fernando, ST. MT, Agung Bhakti Utama, ST. MSc, Galih Adya Taurano, ST. MT
Polytechnic of Public Works, Semarang
The Covid-19 pandemic occurred abruptly in the last part of 2019. This situation was exacerbated because of the unpreparedness of the government and regional governments in dealing with this disease. Therefore, increasing readiness in prevention is important in mitigating this pandemic. One of the efforts in increasing readiness is providing patient isolation/quarantine buildings, with the aim of controlling the spread of disease. However, it is not always viable to provide a dedicated building, hence it will be more efficient if existing buildings are converted to an isolation/quarantine facility during a pandemic.
This study aims to identify the ideal criteria for isolation/quarantine for patients and suspects during a pandemic/epidemic outbreak in the City of Semarang. The benefits expected are, the criteria can later be applied to any buildings in the City of Semarang, so that buildings which are potential to be converted into isolation/quarantine buildings can be identified. The research method employed is a case study approach by collecting data through brainstorming and focus group discussions, and organized through Delphi Method to detail the ideal criteria according to the selected stakeholders.
The output of this research is criteria in determining the ideal buildings to be converted as isolation facility during pandemic/epidemic outbreak.
Keywords: quarantine building, pandemic, planning
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| Corresponding Author (Raditya Hari Murti)
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ABS-7 |
Experimental Study of the Effect of Cavities on the Load Capacity of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Plates on Fixed Concrete Thickness Wahyu Mahendra Trias Atmadja1, Herman Parung2, Rita Irmawaty3 dan A.Arwin Amiruddin4
A.Arwin Amiruddin4
1Student of the Civil Engineering Doctoral Program, Hasanudin University.
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM-10, Tel: 081328013399, email:mahendrawahyu1975[at]gmail.com
2Professor., Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM-10, Tel: 0411-580505, email:parungteknikunhas[at]gmail.com
3Associate Prof., Departemen Teknik Sipil, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM-10, Telp 08114619672, email: rita_irmaway[at]yahoo.co.id
4Assistant Prof., Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM-10, Tel: 082190423578, email: a.arwinamiruddin[at] yahoo.com
The study aims to determine the effect of cavities on the load capacity of reinforced concrete slabs when compared to massive reinforced concrete slabs that have the same thickness, with the hope of reducing the structure^s weight and the use of concrete materials. The modified PVC pipes, as cavity formers, will be placed in the tensile area without reducing the flexural strength that is caused by the weak nature of concrete against tensile strength. The test is carried out on a full scale against 14 cm thick solid plates (PP-1), and hollow plates, which use modified PVC pipes (PB-2), with a cavity diameter of 7.6 cm that has the same thickness. The test uses joint supports on all four sides and the loading pattern is evenly distributed. All slabs are made, on the spot, of cast concrete with the same size and distance between the reinforcement. PVC hollow plate (PB-2) has the same effective thickness as solid plate but has 14% less concrete volume. The maximum load capacity on the solid plate (PP-1) is 522.66 kN and on the hollow plate (PB-2) is 444.33 kN. The melting capacity on the solid plate (PP-1) is 373,515 kN and on the hollow plate (PB-2) is 325,935 kN. Initial crack load capacity on the solid plate (PP-1) is 19.5 kN and on the hollow plate (PB-2) is 16.75 kN
Keywords: PVC Hollow Plate, Plate Thickness, Load Capacity
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| Corresponding Author (Wahyu Mahendra Trias Atmadja)
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ABS-10 |
Fajar University
Residential neighborhoods produce wastewater originating from soapy water, oil, and similar wastes which are included in the gray water category, as well as rainwater runoff from tiles. The purpose of this study is to identify a Rain Garden model that is suitable for application in the residential areas of Makassar City. The method used is by identifying the suitability of the Rain Garden land, calculating the dimensions, and making the right Rain Garden model. From the results of the study it was concluded that the Rain Garden model for the reduction of gray water and rainwater runoff in the Makassar City residential environment was designed to have three cropping variations. With a flow rate of V = 0.3 m3 / s, the depth of flow Y = 1.2 m. Based on the relationship between the width and depth of flow at the best hydraulic section in rectangular shape, the channel bottom is B = 0.8 m, guard height (F) 30% Y = 0.36 m. The effectiveness of household waste treatment and rainwater runoff using this Rain Garden model, for BOD = 102.8 mg / L (inlet) to 8.4 mg / L (outlet). The highest TSS value was 79 mg / L (inlet) to 8.3 mg / L (outlet). The highest detergent value was 59.84 mg / L (inlet) and showed the yield after processing was 1.25 mg / L (outlet). Treatment of gray water and rainwater runoff in residential environments is to reduce the volume of liquid waste that enters the city drainage system and create a sustainable urban sanitation ecology.
Keywords: Rain Garden, Gray Water, Rainwater Runoff, Household Wastewater Treatment
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| Corresponding Author (Ritnawati Makbul)
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ABS-13 |
Influence of Number of Collisions Towards Asphalt Emulsion Mixture Stability Using Marshall Method (SNI 06-2489-1991) Irianto1, M. Tumpu2, D. S. Mabui1 and Mansyur3
1. Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Yapis University, Jayapura, Indonesia
2. Doctoral Course Student, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
3. Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Sembilan Belas November University, Indonesia
The development of road construction in Indonesia recently increased. This resulted in demand of asphalt, which is one of the materials used in the pavement mix has also increased. Aspalt emulsion in Indonesia have been applied, but only to the adhesive layer and the absorption layer. The Public Works Department of the Directorate General Bina Marga has issued several guidelines to guide the implementation of cold mix asphalt work. The use of emulsion asphalt mixture technology which has a low temperature will reduce emissions, reduce the amount of energy consumption, and avoid oxidation. This study aims to analyze the value of the optimum asphalt content (KAO) mixture of emulsion asphalt CSS-1h and to analyze the effect of the number of collisions on the stability of the emulsion asphalt mixture. The results show that based on the relationship between the emulsion asphalt content and all Marshall and volumetric parameters, the optimum residual asphalt content is obtained. The emulsion is 5.5%. The impact of the collision on the stability value increases with the number of collisions. This test results in stability values of 1223.5 kg, 1373 kg and 1401.1 kg for normal specimens while for immersed test objects the remaining stability values are 51.7 kg, 59 kg, 68.2 kg. Based on the values obtained, this test is declared to meet the specifications for the cold mix emulsion asphalt.
Keywords: emulsion asphalt, cold mixture and optimun content
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| Corresponding Author (irianto irianto)
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ABS-14 |
Fajar University, Makassar
This study conducted an analysis study of flood disaster mitigation for transportation routes in the Panakukkang district of Makassar City. By using ArcGis software, the results of the simulation of safe and vulnerable zone levels based on color indicators are known There are 5 villages in Panakukkang District which are flood safe zones, with the number of evacuation sites, namely 21 buildings. Then there are 4 villages which are flood alert zones with 2 evacuation sites, 2 buildings. On the first evacuation route there are 8 reference points namely Reference Point C with the distance to the nearest evacuation site 3.22 km and a travel time of 64.3 minutes. Then the reference point A with a distance to the nearest evacuation site is 2.85 km and a travel time of 57 minutes. While the reference point F is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.71 km and the travel time is 14.2 minutes. All these reference points require travel speeds of 3 km / h on foot. On the second evacuation route there are 6 Reference Points namely reference point A with distance to the nearest evacuation point 1.94 km and travel time 38.8 minutes, reference point E with distance to nearest evacuation location 1.23 km and travel time 24, 6 minutes. Then at the reference point C is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.72 km and the travel time is 14.4 minutes.
Keywords: Mitigation, Flood, Routes, GIS, PTV Vissim
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Khaerat Nur)
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ABS-16 |
Optimum Asphalt Content of Porous Asphalt Mixed Using Modificated Asbuton as Binder D. S. Mabui1, M. Tumpu2, Irianto1 and Mansyur3
1Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Yapis University, Jayapura, Indonesia
2Doctoral Course Student, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
3Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Sembilan Belas November University, Indonesia
One of the road pavement technologies currently being developed is porous asphalt with the aim of reducing the amount of standing rainwater on the surface of the pavement layer. This study aims to analyze the optimum asphalt content of porous asphalt mixture using modified Asbuton as a binder. The method used in this study is an experimental method in the laboratory using variations in the levels of modified Asbuton namely 4.5%, 5.0%, 5.5%, 6.0%, 6.5%, and 7.0%. REAM, 2008 requires 3 types of tests to obtain the optimum asphalt content of porous asphalt mixtures, namely resistance to grain release (cantabro), binder drain down, and porosity. The results showed that the optimum asphalt content obtained in the porous asphalt mixture using modified Asbuton as a binder was 6.5%.
Keywords: porous, asbuton and cantabro
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| Corresponding Author (irianto irianto)
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ABS-17 |
Design-Construction of Pedestrian Hanging Bridges in Asmat Regency Indonesia Ardi Azis Sila (a), Iis Roin Widiati (a*), and Milla Dwi Astari (a)
a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Yapis Papua, Jalan Sam Ratulangi 11, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
Asmat Regency, with the capital of Agats, is one of the regencies in Papua Province that is almost entirely submerged at sea level. For this reason, almost all residential buildings and offices in Asmat are built elevated including roads and bridges. To support community activities and connect the new city with the old city in Kp. Syuru Agats then built a pedestrian suspension bridge with its approach road which also floated. Because it is submerged in water, the soil conditions in the city of Agats are very soft so that the axial resistance of the pile is only given by friction and the lateral resistance of the pile becomes very small. Results of planning obtained a solution to combine the anchor block and pylon foundation with an elongated beam which has a double function to withstand axial and flexural forces so that the lateral force of the cable working in the anchor block is also assisted by the pylon foundation through the lateral restraint mechanism of the square pile measuring 350x350 mm. By combining the two systems, a lateral deflection at a single pile is obtained 1.5cm or smaller than the allowable deflection of 2.5cm. This method makes planning more efficient than the number of piles and the depth of the pile becomes shallower.
Keywords: Anchor block- Pylon foundation- Pile foundation
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| Corresponding Author (Iis Roin Widiati)
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ABS-20 |
Study of Railway Transportation Mode Alternative Selection to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar Ahmad Gofar Kusmayadi (a*), Sakti Adji Adisasmita (b), Muralia Hustim (b)
(a*) Magister Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
(b) Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
Railways as one of the modes of transportation in the national transportation system that cannot be separated from other modes of transportation need to develop their potential and increase their role as a regional link, both nationally and internationally to encourage and drive national development to improve people^s welfare. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the rail transportation mode to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar. The method in this research was conducted by survey using a questionnaire to the public about the choice of mode to be used from the city of Makassar to Sultan Hasanuddin airport, with 3 alternatives, it was trains, airport taxis, and private vehicles through 2 routes, namely new port, and Graha Pena. The results of the questionnaire were processed in the Stata 16 application using the logit model. The results obtained are railroad transportation mode is the main choice due to several variable factors, namely travel time and travel costs. The shorter travel time compared to other modes and the relatively lower prices were important factors for people to choose the rail transportation mode.
Keywords: Moda selection, logit model, Stata 16, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Train
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| Corresponding Author (Ahmad Gofar Kusmayadi)
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Infrastructure |
ABS-23 |
Analysis of the Determination of the Location of the Mandai Train Station with the Transportation Network and Spatial Planning Aspects Almuizat (a*), S A Adisasmita (b), S Hamid (b)
(a*) Magister Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
(b) Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
In planning the construction or development of stations at least consider integration with environmental conditions such as spatial planning, land use, population distribution, and employment to ensure that they will be better served by these trains. The purpose of this study was to analyze the location of the Mandai train station regarding the aspects of the transportation network and regional spatial planning. The method used in this research is to collect secondary data, namely instantaneously by using data planning from the East Java Regional Railway Directorate General (The Railway Work Unit of Makassar) then combining it with the spatial plan for the South Sulawesi region related to railway development. The results obtained are that this station is planned to be at KM 12 + 500 with information such as the number of planned lines of 6 pieces with 3 stages of development, 3 platform locations, land width for emplacement lines and 37.5 m stations, station position to the right of the Makassar-Parepare line, and the addition of a double track to the left of the mainline.
Keywords: Mandai Station, Transportation, Railway, Location Plan
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| Corresponding Author (Al muizat)
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ABS-24 |
Universitas Hasanuddin
This study aims to analyze the effect of curing on the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar made from straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil. This research is experimental in the laboratory. Geopolymer mortar was produced using straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil with a percentage ratio of 16.67: 41.67: 41.67. The alkaline activator used is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with a concentration of 12 M. The compressive strength test of 5 x 10 cm cylinders is used to evaluate the geopolymer mortar mixture produced at the age of 3, 7 and 28 days with curing, namely air and water curing. The results showed that the compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar increased along with the increasing age of each curing. The compressive strength values produced in air curing 3, 7 and 28 days were respectively 1.64 N/mm2, 1.72 N/mm2 and 3.22 N/mm2. While water curing, the resulting compressive strength values for each curing are 1.03 N/mm2, 1.63 N/mm2 and 1.68 N/mm2. At the ages of 3, 7 and 28 days, there was an increase in the compressive strength values from water curing to air curing, which were 0.37%, 5.23% and 47.82%, respectively. It can be seen that the compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar made from straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil in air curing is greater than that of water curing.
Keywords: Curing, Laterite soil, Fly ash, Rice straw ash, Mortar geopolymer
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| Corresponding Author (Parea Rusan Rangan)
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ABS-49 |
Equipment Maintenance Effect on Energy Losses Reduction at Medium Voltage Distribution Network Yusran (a*), Salama Manjang (a), Mukhlisah (b), Suhaimah (b)
a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin
b) Power Electrical Engineering Research Group, Universitas Hasanuddin
The one of main problems at medium voltage distribution network is energy losses. The quality declining of distribution network electrical equipment is one of high value of energy losses cause factor. So, the equipment maintenance has a significant correlation with energy losses reduction. This research discussed the effect of equipment maintenance on energy losses reduction at a feeder of Bontoala substation, Makassar. The method was quantitative calculation of energy losses at transformers, connectors and insulators, with and without maintenance condition. Based on the calculation results, the total losses without maintenance are 61,280,152 kWh / month. With maintenance, the value of losses can be reduced to 33,627.23 kWh / month.
Keywords: Energy losses, Equipment maintenance, Medium voltage distribution network, Transformer, Connector, Insulator
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| Corresponding Author (Yusran Yusran)
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Infrastructure |
ABS-59 |
Study of Flood Simulation in the Tallo River Makassar City South Sulawesi Musliadi1, Muhammad Chaerul2, Sri Gusty2
1 Postgraduate Student Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering, Fajar University, Makassar, Indonesia
2Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering, Postgraduate Faculty, Fajar University, Makassar, Indonesia
The Tallo River Watershed has a length of 70 km, the area of which is 407.00 km2, the upstream or beginning of the river is at an altitude of 1,100 m above sea level located on Mount Kaliapolompo with the overall length of the river in the Tallo DPS amounting to 131.50 km2. The research objective was to analyze the effect of 5-year flood discharge and tidal changes on the inundation area and flood depth in the Tallo River basin. The rainfall analysis method uses the Log Pearson type III method, where the flow is considered to be two horizontal dimensions with even velocity at each depth. A five year period with a discharge value of 127.64 m3 s will statistically repeat every five years with an estimated chance of occurrence of 0.2 or 20% for each year referred to in a five-year review cycle. The simulation results later showed that the five-year flood discharge resulted in flooding with a depth of 0-3 meters from the maximum tide condition and an inundation area of 31.91 km2 inundated the Tallo District Tamalanrea District, Panakukang District, Western Biringkanaya District, and District Northern Manggala. These areas are located left and right of Tallo River with an altitude between 0 and 2 meters above sea level.
Keywords: floods, Surface Water Modeling, Tallo River
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| Corresponding Author (A. Imam Utama)
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Infrastructure |
ABS-61 |
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fajar University, Makassar
This study conducted an analysis study of flood disaster mitigation for transportation routes in the Panakukkang district of Makassar City. By using ArcGis software, the results of the simulation of safe and vulnerable zone levels based on color indicators are known There are 5 villages in Panakukkang District which are flood safe zones, with the number of evacuation sites, namely 21 buildings. Then there are 4 villages which are flood alert zones with 2 evacuation sites, 2 buildings. On the first evacuation route there are 8 reference points namely Reference Point C with the distance to the nearest evacuation site 3.22 km and a travel time of 64.3 minutes. Then the reference point A with a distance to the nearest evacuation site is 2.85 km and a travel time of 57 minutes. While the reference point F is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.71 km and the travel time is 14.2 minutes. All these reference points require travel speeds of 3 km / h on foot. On the second evacuation route there are 6 Reference Points namely reference point A with distance to the nearest evacuation point 1.94 km and travel time 38.8 minutes, reference point E with distance to nearest evacuation location 1.23 km and travel time 24, 6 minutes. Then at the reference point C is the closest point to the nearest evacuation distance 0.72 km and the travel time is 14.4 minutes.
Keywords: Mitigation, Routes, Flood, ARC GIS, PTV Vissim
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| Corresponding Author (A. Imam Utama)
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ABS-62 |
Study on the Value of Stiffness of the Dual Joint Straightness Notch Joint of Beams Due to Cyclic Lateral Load Nur Muthia Razak (1*), Herman Parung (2) and A Arwin Amiruddin (2)
(1) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
(2) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
Precast concrete is an answer to the demands of building structures that save time, but cannot be used widely because of the reliability of the connection, especially during an earthquake, the desired earthquake resistant building structure must have sufficient strength and rigidity. Stiffness is one of the factors that determine the response of a structure to earthquake loads. When connected with earthquake loads, a structure must have sufficient rigidity so that its movement during an earthquake can be limited. This study aims to determine and analyze the stiffness in the double columns straight joint beam notches due to lateral cyclic load. By dividing 3 (three) types of test specimens, namely Monolithic Column Beam, Type 1 Column Joint (SBK), and Type 2 Column Beam Joint (SBK). The connection used is a double straight notch and using the grouting method. Testing and analysis using the Displacement Control Method with the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) 1986 standards. The results showed the monolith column Column (BK) specimens have a greater stiffness value compared to SBK 1 specimens and SBK 2 specimens.
Keywords: Beam, Lateral Load, Construction
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| Corresponding Author (Afrizal Surya Erlangga)
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ABS-65 |
Analysis of Reinforcement Overlapping on Retrofit Reinforced Concrete Beams of Bending Behavior Sumarni Kala (a*), Herman Parung (b) and A Arwin Amiruddin (b)
(a) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
(b) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
Abstract. The length of reinforced concrete blocks varies widely, while in general the reinforcement produced in Indonesia is 12 m. Therefore, the use of reinforcement in a long stretch is done to be connected. The through connection is the most economical connection [2]. Lap splice can be made by overlapping the reinforcement which is touching or separate [3]. Splicing reinforcement can cause the strength of reinforced concrete beams to be reduced or even damaged so that rehabilitation measures are needed which can be in the form of retrofit (repair). Retrofitting with wiremesh and self compacting concrete (SCC) is considered to improve building structures. Reinforcement overlapping on reinforced concrete beams retrofit with wiremesh and self compacting concrete can be analyzed by numerical methods to determine their effect on bending behavior. Now, to analyze a structural behavior, it can be done using finite element method based program. The application of the finite element method is used in several programs, including ABAQUS, ADINA, Atena, ANSYS, etc. This study aims to analyze the overlapping of reinforcement in retrofit reinforced concrete beams against the flexural behavior, overlapping is made at one-third and one-third of the beam span using finite element method based analysis software.
Keywords: reinforced concrete, bending behavior, overlapping, retrofit
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| Corresponding Author (Andiny Putri Batara I.B.D)
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ABS-67 |
1Doctoral Course Student, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
3Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the effect of curing on the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar made from straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil. This research is experimental in the laboratory. Geopolymer mortar was produced using straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil with a percentage ratio of 16.67: 41.67: 41.67. The alkaline activator used is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with a concentration of 12 M. The compressive strength test of 5 x 10 cm cylinders is used to evaluate the geopolymer mortar mixture produced at the age of 3, 7 and 28 days with curing, namely air and water curing. The results showed that the compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar increased along with the increasing age of each curing. The compressive strength values produced in air curing 3, 7 and 28 days were respectively 1.64 N/mm2, 1.72 N/mm2 and 3.22 N/mm2. While water curing, the resulting compressive strength values for each curing are 1.03 N/mm2, 1.63 N/mm2 and 1.68 N/mm2. At the ages of 3, 7 and 28 days, there was an increase in the compressive strength values from water curing to air curing, which were 0.37%, 5.23% and 47.82%, respectively. It can be seen that the compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar made from straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil in air curing is greater than that of water curing.
Keywords: Soil,curing,compressive strength
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| Corresponding Author (Resni Amalia)
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ABS-68 |
Analysis of Reinforcement Overlapping on Retrofit Reinforced Concrete Beams of Bending Behavior Sumarni Kala (a*), Herman Parung (b) and A Arwin Amiruddin (b)
(a) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
(b) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
The length of reinforced concrete blocks varies widely, while in general the
reinforcement produced in Indonesia is 12 m. Therefore, the use of reinforcement in a long
stretch is done to be connected. The through connection is the most economical connection [2]
Lap splice can be made by overlapping the reinforcement which is touching or separate [3]
Splicing reinforcement can cause the strength of reinforced concrete beams to be reduced or
even damaged so that rehabilitation measures are needed which can be in the form of retrofit
(repair). Retrofitting with wiremesh and self compacting concrete (SCC) is considered to
improve building structures. Reinforcement overlapping on reinforced concrete beams retrofit
with wiremesh and self compacting concrete can be analyzed by numerical methods to determine
their effect on bending behavior. Now, to analyze a structural behavior, it can be done using
finite element method based program. The application of the finite element method is used in
several programs, including ABAQUS, ADINA, Atena, ANSYS, etc. This study aims to analyze
the overlapping of reinforcement in retrofit reinforced concrete beams against the flexural
behavior, overlapping is made at one-third and one-third of the beam span using finite element
method based analysis software.
Keywords: reinforced concrete, bending behavior, overlapping, retrofit
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| Corresponding Author (ZUL FIKRAN ARBIE)
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ABS-71 |
1 The Christian University of Indonesia Toraja, Rantepao, Indonesia
2, 3 The Christian University of Indonesia Toraja, Rantepao, Indonesia
Soil that has low bearing capacity has a bad impact on the construction that is built on it as a result of which the building is easily damaged such as lifting the foundation on the building and causing cracks and shifting on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the soil. Soil improvement can be done through chemical stabilization. Stabilization can use added materials such as fiber and charcoal ash. In this research, using corncob ash, palm fiber and sodium silicate. The purpose of this study was to determine the bearing capacity of the soil by mixing palm fiber, corncob ash and sodium silicate. This research uses experimental laboratory methods. Soil samples used were taken from Lembang Tondon Siba^ta, Tondon District. Corn cobs were taken from Sa^dan Marante, Sodium silicate is obtained from chemical figures and palm fiber taken from Buntu Tagari and then tested for soil physical characteristics and soil bearing capacity in soil samples with a mixture of sodium silicate, corncob ash, palm fiber and soil without mixture. know the bearing capacity of the soil. The results of the research on stabilized soil by adding 0.2% palm fiber, 2% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate obtained an increase in soil bearing capacity of 9.73% from the original soil and the addition of 0.2% palm fiber, 4% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate. experienced an increase in soil bearing capacity of 19.91% from the original land. The addition of 0.2% palm fiber, 6% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate increased the carrying capacity of the soil by 22.30% from the original soil The resulting mixing results were analyzed to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. The results of the research on stabilized soil by adding 0.2% palm fiber, 2% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate obtained an increase in soil bearing capacity of 9.73% from the original soil and the addition of 0.2% palm fiber, 4% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate. experienced an increase in soil bearing capacity of 19.91%
Keywords: Corn Weevil Ash, Soil Carrying Capacity, Palm Fiber, Sodium Silicate, Stabilization, Soil.
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| Corresponding Author (Fadli Asnur Febrianto)
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ABS-74 |
Optimum Value of Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength in Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Variations in Chicken Eggshell Substitution Nasruddin, Victor S., Pratiwi M.
Lecturer of Department of Architecture of engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. nas_junus[at]yahoo.com, vicsam_ars[at]yahoo.com, tiwiarch19[at]gmail.com
In the development of a country like Indonesia, which is a developing country and is increasing its development, primarily in the infrastructure sector, therefore the use of building materials such as concrete is also an increasing demand. As a result of the large number of uses of concrete, it shows that the increasing need for concrete in construction in the future. This has led to the need for innovation regarding the concrete itself and developments in concrete technology. The decreasing number of experts led to the need for a self-compacting concrete mixture that only required a few experts to work on it and high quality concrete was obtained. The strength of SCC concrete is very important in building structures. To achieve the planned strength of the SCC concrete, the amount of cement needed is important. Cement in Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is very important because it acts as an adhesive between coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. The use of substitutes for cement in concrete mixtures has been widely practiced, especially the use of both organic and inorganic waste materials. One of the many wastes that we can easily find in Indonesia is eggshell waste. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze the optimum value of compressive strength and tensile strength in the SCC variation of chicken egg shell substitution. The research method used in this research was experimental method which was carried out at the structural laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Hasanuddin University. Quantitative research with experimental based on two variables (age and concrete treatment) was also used as the research method. The data were obtained from the test specimen by measuring compressive strength and tensile value of the concrete with a Universial Testing Machine (UTM). The data analysis method used in the research was comparative analysis by using tabulations and charts. The results showed that the optimum value of concrete compressive strength can be achie
Keywords: Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength in Self Compacting Concrete (SCC)
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| Corresponding Author (INDAH WAHYUNI B)
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ABS-77 |
1 The Christian University of Indonesia Toraja, Rantepao, Indonesia
2, 3 The Christian University of Indonesia Toraja, Rantepao, Indonesia
Soil that has low bearing capacity has a negative impact on the construction that is built on it. Stabilization is a form of soil improvement. Stabilization can use added materials such as fiber and charcoal ash. In this research, using corncob ash, palm fiber and sodium silicate. The purpose of this study was to determine the bearing capacity of the soil by mixing palm fiber, corncob ash and sodium silicate. This research uses experimental laboratory methods. Soil samples used were taken from Lembang Tondon Siba^ta, Tondon District. Corn cobs ashes are taken from sa^dan marante, and sodium silicate from palm fiber. The soil physical characteristics and carrying capacity of the original soil were tested and the soil was mixed with sodium silicate, corncob ash, palm fiber and soil without mixture. The results of the research on stabilized soil by adding 0.2% palm fiber, 2% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate obtained an increase in soil bearing capacity of 9.73% from the original soil and the addition of 0.2% palm fiber, 4% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate. experienced an increase in soil bearing capacity of 19.91% from the original land. The addition of 0.2% palm fiber, 6% corncob ash and 3% sodium silicate increased the carrying capacity of the soil by 22.30% from the original soil
Keywords: Corn Weevil Ash, Soil Carrying Capacity, Palm Fiber, Sodium Silicate, Stabilization, Soil.
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| Corresponding Author (Fadli Asnur Febrianto)
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ABS-92 |
a*)Departemen Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin and Prodi Teknik Perencanaan Prasarana Pascasarjana UNHAS
b) Departemen Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
The coastal area is an area of ​-​-land and sea that interacts with each other and has the impact of ROB (tides). This zone is influenced by the daily tidal cycle of sea water Settlements in coastal areas are inhabited by a group of people. In carrying out their daily lives, the community needs clean water which is one of the basic needs. However, the quality of well water is not good, it is only used for the needs of the toilet (bathing, washing, toilet). The research objective was to determine the effect of the environment and human activities on well water content. The method used is laboratory tests and physical observations and the environment around the well. Based on the results of laboratory tests on the well water content and direct observations in the field, it was found that the water content was largely determined by the physical conditions of the well and around the well.
Keywords: ROB (tide of sea water)- water laboratory test- sea ​-​-water- well water- coastal
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| Corresponding Author (idawarni Asmal)
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ABS-98 |
Analysis of Reinforcement Overlapping on Retrofit Reinforced Concrete Beams of Bending Behavior Sumarni Kala (a*), Herman Parung (b) and A Arwin Amiruddin (b)
(a) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
(b) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
The length of reinforced concrete blocks varies widely, while in general, the reinforcement produced in Indonesia is 12 m. Therefore, the use of reinforcement in a long stretch is done to be connected. The through connection is the most economical connection [2]. Lap splice can be made by overlapping the reinforcement which is touching or separate [3]. Splicing reinforcement can cause the strength of reinforced concrete beams to be reduced or even damaged so that rehabilitation measures are needed which can be in the form of retrofit (repair). Retrofitting with wiremesh and self-compacting concrete (SCC) is considered to improve building structures. Reinforcement overlapping on reinforced concrete beams retrofit with wiremesh and self-compacting concrete can be analyzed by numerical methods to determine their effect on bending behavior. Now, to analyze a structural behavior, it can be done using a finite element method based program. The application of the finite element method is used in several programs, including ABAQUS, ADINA, Atena, ANSYS, etc. This study aims to analyze the overlapping of reinforcement in retrofit reinforced concrete beams against the flexural behavior, overlapping is made at one-third and one-third of the beam span using finite element method based analysis software.
Keywords: reinforced concrete, bending behavior, overlapping, retrofit
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| Corresponding Author (Sumarni Kala)
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ABS-99 |
Analysis on the Value of Stiffness of the Dual Joint Straightness Notch Joint of Beams Due to Cyclic Lateral Load Nur Muthia Razak (1*), Herman Parung (2) and A Arwin Amiruddin (2)
(1) Structure Program of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
(2) Civil Department of Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia
Abstract.Precast concrete is an answer to the demands of building structures that save time, but cannot be used widely because of the reliability of the connection, especially during an earthquake, the desired earthquake-resistant building structure must have sufficient strength and rigidity. Stiffness is one of the factors that determine the response of a structure to earthquake loads. When connected with earthquake loads, a structure must have sufficient rigidity so that its movement during an earthquake can be limited. This study aims to determine and analyze the stiffness in the double columns straight joint beam notches due to lateral cyclic load. By dividing 3 (three) types of test specimens, namely Monolithic Column Beam, Type 1 Column Joint (SBK), and Type 1 Column Beam Joint (SBK). The connection used is a double straight notch and using the grouting method. Testing and analysis using the Displacement Control Method with the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) 1986 standards. The results showed the monolith column Column (BK) specimens have a greater stiffness value compared to SBK 1 specimens and SBK 1 specimens
Keywords: Stiffness, Cyclic Lateral Load
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| Corresponding Author (Nur Muthia Razak)
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ABS-100 |
1 Doctoral Student of Civil engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
2 Naval Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
3 Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University
A dimensionless number is used to express the relationship between parameters and is used to describe the research results. Commonly used dimensional analysis methods are the Basic Echelon method, the Buckingham method, the Rayleight method, the Stepwise method and the Langhaar method. The compound section in the regulated section channel model aims to make the section convenient to the flow existing discharge at tidal conditions, in sediment flushing. In this study using the Buckingham^s method of dimensional analysis to determine the weight equation for the flushing sediment (w) and the variables that have been scaled on the flume, W = - (B, B*, h, h*, -h, t, V, Q, g, W, -w, -S), where B is the width of the river (cm), B* is the width of the Flushing section (cm), h is the height of the water level (cm), h* is the height of the flushing section (cm), -h is the difference in water level (cm), t is the tidal time period (s), V is the flow velocity (cm/s), Q is the water discharge (cm3/s), g is the gravity (cm/s2), -S is the mass density of the sediment (gr/cm3), -w is the density of the water mass (gr/cm3). From the analysis results obtained equations w= B/(B*) . (h*)/h . ∆-h/h . v/gt . Q/(gh^2 t) . 1/〖- ρ-_w h〗-^3 . ρ-_s/ρ-_w . Dengan Where w is the weight of the flushing sediment (gr), B/(B*) is the ratio of the width of the estuary to the design cross-sectional width, (h*)/h is the ratio of the flusing cross-sectional height to the water level, ∆-h/h is the ratio of the height water level to water depth, v/gt is the velocity of falling sediment, Q/(gh^2 t) is the discharge of sediment flushing, 1/〖- ρ-_w h〗-^3 is the factor of water level, and ρ-_s/ρ-_w is the specific gravity.
Keywords: Dimensional analysis, Compound Section, Buckingham, Regulate section, Maintenance channel
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| Corresponding Author (Imam Rohani)
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ABS-102 |
Modeling Vocational Density of Landslide Using IFSAR DEM, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province Johan Eden, Ilham Alimuddin, Busthan Azikin, Ulva Ria Irfan
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin
The aim of this research are to define landslide hazard zoning, the accuracy level of hazard zoning and influence factor that effect on hazard zoning classification.The research was conducted in Manuju and Bungaya District, Gowa Regency. Frequency Ratio (FR) and Weight of Evidence (WoE) method were used in this research with parameter analysis of land cover, lithology, rainfall, distance from road, distance from river, distance from fault and paramaters generated from IFSAR DEM data (slope, length of slope, slope aspect and curvature). Number of landslide area that was analyzed was 158 locations, where 71 locations used for trial and 87 locations for validation purpose. Research indicated that hazard landslide zoning by WoE method more accurate than FR method. Level of accuracy hazard landslide zoning by FR method is 78.34% while WoE method is 99.01%. Parameter selection that used on analysis added the level of accuracy. Number of enhancement accuracy level on FR method is 1.09% while WoE is 0.43%
Landslide zoning based on WoE method (parameter selected) shown if research area is dominated by high hazard zone with area 10735.32 ha (34.26% of research area) and very high hazard zone 7226.70 ha (23,06% of research area).
Keywords: landslide hazard zonation, frequency ratio, wieght of Evidence, Gowa
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| Corresponding Author (Ilham Alimuddin)
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ABS-106 |
Mining Engineering Departement of Hasanuddin University
Abstract. Mining activities in open pit and underground mines will always be associated with rock breaking or stripping activities (both mechanical and blasting), so that this can affect the structure and strength of rocks. The strength of the rock is strongly influenced by the presence of initial cracks (pre-existing cracks) and rock anisotropy conditions associated with discontinuous plane conditions. Fracture mechanics is a science that illustrates how a fracture can occur and propagate during applied stress on material. The main parameter in fracture mechanics is called fracture toughness which shows the resistance of the material to propogate the crack. There are several mode in determining type I fracture toughness, one of which is type I fracture toughness Flattened Brazilian Disc (FBD) mode. Type I fracture toughness test is carried out using a compression machine in a laboratory and is conducted on concrete samples consisting of 3 (three) various samples, with a ratio of cement and sand composition of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1. This test also uses different loading rate values, namely 2.50 mm/min, 2.70 mm/min, and 2.83 mm/min. The results of the type I fracture toughness value from each loading rate will be compared to determine the effect of the loading rate on the value of type I fracture toughness. The obtained fracture toughness value is also related to the physical and mechanical properties of the samples. Based on the results of tests, it can be seen that the loading rate affects the value of fracture toughness, the increase in fracture toughness value is followed by the higher loading rate. In addition, it can be seen that the fracture toughness value is directly proportional to the uniaxial compressive strength value and the indirect tensile strength value. The average correlation value obtained is R2 = 0.9884 (indicating a strong relationship).
Keywords: Keywords: Type I fracture toughness, Pre-existing cracks, Fracture mechanics, Flattened Brazilian Disc, Loading rate, Discontinuity
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| Corresponding Author (Ainul Yaqin)
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ABS-110 |
Evaluation of Potential Liquefaction Based On Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Data Rezki Amaliah (a*), Tri Harianto (b), Achmad Bakri Muhiddin (b)
a) Master Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Hasanuddin, Gowa 92172, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Hasanuddin, Gowa 92172, Indonesia
An earthquake can inflict liquefaction hazards which can damage buildings and infrastructure. In addition, earthquakes are difficult to predict when and where earthquakes will occur and happen suddenly without being preceded by signs. Therefore, we must do a geological investigation before building construction to evaluate the potential liquefaction in that area. Evaluation of the potential liquefaction using Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is one method that can be used because repeatable, provided a continuous profile, and economically. This method needs a peak ground acceleration (amax) value at an interval of 0.1 g to 0.6 g and an earthquake magnitude of 6.2 scales Richter. Based on the results of the research was obtained in this research area, there were potential liquefactions when the peak ground acceleration (amax) value was above 0.3 g.
Keywords: earthquake, liquefaction, cone penetration test, cyclic stress ratio, cyclic resistence ratio, safety factor
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| Corresponding Author (Rezki Amaliah)
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ABS-113 |
Early Age Physical Properties of Porous Concrete Containing Slag Nickel Anggregate Under Compression AF Irfansyah, MW Tjaronge, AA Amiruddin
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
The scope of this research is to make hollow concrete using Nickel Slag and compare it with crushed stone aggregate. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of workability, porosity, permeability, and tensile strength of porous concrete, and to determine the effect of the 05-10 and 10-20 grading of the aggregate on the tensile strength, porosity and permeability of porous concrete. This study used an experimental method using aggregates with uniform gradations. The aggregates used are nickel slag and crushed stone with uniform gradations of 05-10 and 10-20. The cement water factor (FAS) used in the mix design is 0.35 and the cavity in the concrete is 20%. Workability testing is carried out after the fresh concrete is finished. mixed with the composition according to the mix design. Tensile strength test, with the compressive strength machine method performed at the age of the concrete 3 and 7 days. From the analysis with qualitative methods, porous concrete containing nickel slag and crushed stone in gradations 5 - 10 and 10 - 20 obtained the highest compressive strength values in the nickel slag aggregate mixture 5-10 and 10-20 of10.70Average - average 10.51 MPa, Modulus of elasticity of6316.43 average 6054.68 MPa, and Poisson Ratio of 0.1651 Average 0.1598.
Keywords: Porous Concrete, Slag Nickel
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| Corresponding Author (ANDI FADLI IRFANSYAH)
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ABS-114 |
The Analysis of Delayed Duration Caused by Unpredictable Factors in Pammukkulu Dam D J A Fatkhurrahman2, R U Latief1 and S Burhanuddin1
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Gowa, Indonesia
Abstract. This study aims is to find the critical path which caused delay on the projects. Several factors which may affect to the delay are the weather, the lack of manpower, supply chain, equipment and so on. The research methodology was conducted to elaborate the causes are by using qualitative and quantitative researches. Over 35 respondents and 10 expert^s interviewee fill the questioner and were collected within two months. The result obtained is accelerated 3 paths from critical path method (CPM) then calculated the crashing program for each alternative. The alternative of acceleration applied are add the working hours in 4 (four) hours and 7 (seven) hours. In the end, the addition of 4 (four) hours could increase the workforce up to 25% of the total number of workers to get the value of accelerated finishing projects without ignoring the quality and quantity of them. Also, the additional labour is more beneficial in terms of costs they have relativity small number of working hours and would be more efficient.
Keywords: construction, management, time cost trade off, scheduling
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| Corresponding Author (Djirzise Abdul Hakim Fatkhurrohman)
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