Modeling Vocational Density of Landslide Using IFSAR DEM, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province Johan Eden, Ilham Alimuddin, Busthan Azikin, Ulva Ria Irfan
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin
The aim of this research are to define landslide hazard zoning, the accuracy level of hazard zoning and influence factor that effect on hazard zoning classification.The research was conducted in Manuju and Bungaya District, Gowa Regency. Frequency Ratio (FR) and Weight of Evidence (WoE) method were used in this research with parameter analysis of land cover, lithology, rainfall, distance from road, distance from river, distance from fault and paramaters generated from IFSAR DEM data (slope, length of slope, slope aspect and curvature). Number of landslide area that was analyzed was 158 locations, where 71 locations used for trial and 87 locations for validation purpose. Research indicated that hazard landslide zoning by WoE method more accurate than FR method. Level of accuracy hazard landslide zoning by FR method is 78.34% while WoE method is 99.01%. Parameter selection that used on analysis added the level of accuracy. Number of enhancement accuracy level on FR method is 1.09% while WoE is 0.43%
Landslide zoning based on WoE method (parameter selected) shown if research area is dominated by high hazard zone with area 10735.32 ha (34.26% of research area) and very high hazard zone 7226.70 ha (23,06% of research area).
Keywords: landslide hazard zonation, frequency ratio, wieght of Evidence, Gowa