Equipment Maintenance Effect on Energy Losses Reduction at Medium Voltage Distribution Network a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin Abstract The one of main problems at medium voltage distribution network is energy losses. The quality declining of distribution network electrical equipment is one of high value of energy losses cause factor. So, the equipment maintenance has a significant correlation with energy losses reduction. This research discussed the effect of equipment maintenance on energy losses reduction at a feeder of Bontoala substation, Makassar. The method was quantitative calculation of energy losses at transformers, connectors and insulators, with and without maintenance condition. Based on the calculation results, the total losses without maintenance are 61,280,152 kWh / month. With maintenance, the value of losses can be reduced to 33,627.23 kWh / month. Keywords: Energy losses, Equipment maintenance, Medium voltage distribution network, Transformer, Connector, Insulator Topic: Infrastructure |
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