Design-Construction of Pedestrian Hanging Bridges in Asmat Regency Indonesia Ardi Azis Sila (a), Iis Roin Widiati (a*), and Milla Dwi Astari (a)
a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Yapis Papua, Jalan Sam Ratulangi 11, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
Asmat Regency, with the capital of Agats, is one of the regencies in Papua Province that is almost entirely submerged at sea level. For this reason, almost all residential buildings and offices in Asmat are built elevated including roads and bridges. To support community activities and connect the new city with the old city in Kp. Syuru Agats then built a pedestrian suspension bridge with its approach road which also floated. Because it is submerged in water, the soil conditions in the city of Agats are very soft so that the axial resistance of the pile is only given by friction and the lateral resistance of the pile becomes very small. Results of planning obtained a solution to combine the anchor block and pylon foundation with an elongated beam which has a double function to withstand axial and flexural forces so that the lateral force of the cable working in the anchor block is also assisted by the pylon foundation through the lateral restraint mechanism of the square pile measuring 350x350 mm. By combining the two systems, a lateral deflection at a single pile is obtained 1.5cm or smaller than the allowable deflection of 2.5cm. This method makes planning more efficient than the number of piles and the depth of the pile becomes shallower.
Keywords: Anchor block- Pylon foundation- Pile foundation