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A Method of Rapid Economic Valuation for Applying Economic Recovery Packages in a Disaster Area: Soppeng Regency Valuation Study Case
Muhammad Agung Ady Mangilep (1*), Adi Maulana (2), Yolak Dalimunthe (3), Makbul (4), Abdul Razak Munir (5)

(1)Department of Development Economics, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
(2)The Center for Disaster Study, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
(3,4)Indonesian National Disaster Management Authority, Jakarta, Indonesia
(5)Department of Development Economics, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia


Recovery programs for disaster victims are a crucial point in a disaster mitigation program. An economic recovery program should be implemented to rehabilitate survivors^ income and living standard. Targeted groups should be chosen to receive aid packages and it needs a rapid economic valuation. This paper is aimed to find a method for composing an index of economic valuations that can be used to capture socioeconomic characteristics of producer groups in a disaster area. A library research is used to explore several methods for indexing and several characteristics to be indexed. This research found that the Wroclaw Taxonomic Index was appropriate for generating a composite index from several economic sectors with various socioeconomic characteristics. Those characteristics represent economic, production, post-production, marketing, managerial and entrepreneurship aspects.

Keywords: rapid economic valuation, composite index, socioeconomic characteristics, disaster area, Soppeng Regency

Topic: Socio-Economy Development

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