A Method of Rapid Economic Valuation for Applying Economic Recovery Packages in a Disaster Area: Soppeng Regency Valuation Study Case (1)Department of Development Economics, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia Abstract Recovery programs for disaster victims are a crucial point in a disaster mitigation program. An economic recovery program should be implemented to rehabilitate survivors^ income and living standard. Targeted groups should be chosen to receive aid packages and it needs a rapid economic valuation. This paper is aimed to find a method for composing an index of economic valuations that can be used to capture socioeconomic characteristics of producer groups in a disaster area. A library research is used to explore several methods for indexing and several characteristics to be indexed. This research found that the Wroclaw Taxonomic Index was appropriate for generating a composite index from several economic sectors with various socioeconomic characteristics. Those characteristics represent economic, production, post-production, marketing, managerial and entrepreneurship aspects. Keywords: rapid economic valuation, composite index, socioeconomic characteristics, disaster area, Soppeng Regency Topic: Socio-Economy Development |
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