Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Food Processed MSMEs in Karawang Regency Fety Nurlia Muzayanah*, Rediawan Miharja, Isro^iyatul Mubarokah, Muhammad Gibran Almanfarisi, Derisa Hendriyanti
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang, Indonesia
MSMEs are required to improve their supply chain performance. Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) is needed in the development of MSMEs to improve their performance. Unfortunately, based on the results from BPS, it shows that MSMEs still have obstacles in managing supply chains properly and sustainably. This research aims to see the simulation of sustainability dynamics in the supply chain management of processed food MSMEs in Karawang Regency. This research used secondary and primary data from expert interviews to confirm the systematic thinking of research models. The data analysis method used in this research is dynamic modelling. The results show that the dimensions of economic sustainability and social sustainability make a positive contribution to the economic turnover of Karawang Regency, while the environmental sustainability dimension still has a negative impact or reduces the economic turnover of Karawang Regency. The implication of the research results is as input for policy makers to improve sustainability in MSME supply chain management from economic, social and environmental aspect.