Exploring Recovery-Focused Health Worker For Advancing Mental Health: Literature Review Muhammad Khoirul Amin, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
The recovery process for mental disorders does not only focus on medical treatment but also adapts to the sufferer^s needs. Recovery from mental disorders requires a comprehensive approach and a harmonious relationship between health services, caregivers and the community. Health workers occupy an important position in the treatment and recovery of patients. Health workers in providing services do not always run smoothly. Therefore, this research aims to find out the role and problems faced by health workers in the recovery of mental disorder patients. The method used in this writing is a literature review approach. Article searches were carried out through two electronic databases, namely PubMed and Scholar. The final result after screening was that there were 12 articles used as material in this literature. Based on existing literature, several themes were found related to recovery from mental disorders focusing on health workers, namely- The knowledge of health workers is still not optimal, so education and training are needed to improve it. Next is the stigma of health workers towards mental disorders and it turns out there are still those who have a stigma so intervention is needed to remove the stigma on these health workers. And next is the form of service provided to sufferers
Keywords: recovery, mental illness, health workers