Evaluation of Urban Public Transportation Routes in Bekasi District Indonesia Sri Nuryati, Abdul Azis Husaini, Elma Yulius, Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti (*), Fajar Prihesnanto, Eko darma
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam 45
Jalan Cut Meutia No. 83, Bekasi, Indonesia
One of the factors to support and increase economic productivity in Bekasi district is transportation, so public transportation services are needed as the main support for community activities. The public transportation service in Bekasi district is urban transportation, which is less popular because people have switched to public transportation modes since the existence of ojol (online motorcycle taxis) which are more practical and flexible. Apart from that, in terms of urban transportation services in Bekasi district, it is still considered less satisfying for customers so there are few people interested. The aim of the research is to determine the performance, services, and maps of old and new city transport routes in Bekasi district on routes K33. The methods used in this research are the Slovin method for sampling respondents, a Likert scale to determine the score of question criteria, and the IPA method. to find out priorities for improving services in city transportation in Bekasi district. Assistance software used to analyze data using SPPS, Ms Excel, and route network maps using ArcGIS. The research results show that the smallest load factor performance value is 13%, headway is 112.42 minutes, frequency is 1 vehicle/hour, vehicle speed is 14.43 km/hour, longest travel time is 74 minutes, longest waiting time is 77.66 minutes, circulation time the longest was 163.05 minutes. City transportation services based on the results of the Cartesian diagram are a priority for increasing the waiting time criteria in transportation. Mapping the route network to move the K33 route from the Cikarang - Lemahabang - Serang terminal to Lemahabang - Lippo Cikarang Mall.
Keywords: city transportation- transportation performance- route network map