Predicting Studio Thermal Comfort Resulting from Window Design Using CFD Method Ahmad Maulana S1, Rosyida Permatasari1, Popi Puspitasari1, Khotijah Lahji1, Sally Cahyati1, Martinus Bambang Susetyarto1, K.A Abdul Khalid2, S. Ahmad3
1 Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
2 Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
3 International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Thermal comfort depends on the exposed sun^s radiation, the temperature, and the wind speed around the building. In a naturally ventilated room, a method to be applied to achieve thermal comfort in a tropical area is enhancing the wind speed in the room through an opening design. An aspect capable of determining the comfort of a room is an opening design since it will affect the airflow and the natural lighting that the room will obtain. This study aims to analyse various types of windows and their opening angles in the FTSP studio at Universitas Trisakti. The CFD numerical simulation aims to predict the studio^s airflow pattern and temperature by using three different window opening angles: 45⁰-, 90⁰-, and 135⁰-. Then, the results are compared to those closest to the SNI 03-6572-2001 standard. Based on the results of the study, it is found that a vertical pivot window with a 135⁰- opening angle receives the results closest to the standard at nine points of measurement with the wind speed ranging from 0.14 m/s to 0.97 m/s.