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Analysis of Compound Flooding in the Cakung Drain Area, DKI Jakarta Province
Rahman Nurabriansyah (a*), Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma (b), Arie Setiadi Moerwanto (c)

(a) Master Study Program of Water Resources Management, Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(b) Water Resources Engineering Research Group, Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.
(c) Senior Expert Engineer at the Hydraulic and Geotechnical Institute of Water Resources, Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing


Cakung Drain is an artificial river or canal situated downstream of the Cakung River and Buaran River, administratively located in East Jakarta and North Jakarta. As an area adjacent to the sea, Cakung Drain has a high risk of flooding. Factors contributing to flooding in the Cakung Drain area include heightened rainfall intensity, flat and low topography of the estuarine region, land subsidence, tidal fluctuations. Incidents such as high tide and elevated river discharge can result in compound flooding in the downstream area of Cakung Drain.
This study involves flood modeling in the Cakung Drain area using the HEC-RAS application. Modelling is carried out with two scenarios: one with the existing channel geometry and another with channel geometry after implementing flood embankment interventions and channel normalization. To simulate compound flooding, the upstream flood modeling boundary is determined by the planned flood discharge (Q50), while the downstream boundary is set by the highest tide resulting from tidal modeling over 18.6 years. Simulation results indicate that, under current conditions, flooding occurs at various points with a height ranging from 1.5 to 3 meters. However, simulation results with flood mitigation measures show no more flooding in the Cakung Drain area.

Keywords: Cakung Drain- Compound Flood- Discharge- Tidal

Topic: Engineering

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