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Optimizing the Benefits of International Collaboration to Improve the Quality of Universitas Negeri Medan
Maya Oktora, Abil Mansyur, Winsyahputra Ritonga

Universitas Negeri Medan


Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed)^s collaboration policy includes the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely the collaboration in education, research, and community service. The collaboration involves domestic and international, in the academic and non-academic fields. The policies successfully established are a reference for all parties in carrying out collaboration to implement Unimed^s vision and mission. To implement Unimed^s collaboration evaluation policy, the design, implementation, and reporting must be carried out continuously and sustainably. With the evaluation document and monitoring of collaboration activities, it is hoped that the implementation of collaboration at Unimed will be better, namely, more transparent, accountable, and measurable, so that a quality culture grows. For this reason, the principles of collaboration and commitment of all parties must be realized in every collaboration program. The Unimed collaboration evaluation and monitoring guide will continue to be improved periodically. Improvements will be based on the experience of implementing collaboration that has been carried out, taking into account inputs from various parties to realize quality collaboration.

Keywords: international collaboration, unimed, policy

Topic: The Directorate of Higher Education Roles for Enhanching Indonesian University to WCU

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