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Self-efficacy on School Counselors in Delivering Middle School Student^s Majoring Assistance
Najlatun Naqiyah, Ericha sholeha

a). Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa), Indonesia
b). Public Junior High School 32 Surabaya, Indonesia


Counselors take a long time to manually make recommendations for students regarding this matter. Considering the limitations, both mastery of this technology, self-efficacy of the counselors are expected to be able to demonstrate performance and effort in helping students. This study aims to describe the self-efficacy of school counselors in carrying out their duties to provide majoring assistance for junior high school students. This research used qualitative exploratory methods. Data were collected using interview methods to all the school counselors coupled with observation of the activities of counselors and students. The analysis adopted is a triangulation analysis technique and the results of the report will be made thematically. The results of this study indicate that the self-efficacy of school counselors comes from the performance and efforts of counselors in providing major services in schools. Self-efficacy in counselors shows successful performance, through the following stages: (1) providing information- (2) data collection- (3) placement and allocate majoring- (4) monitoring and action- (5) majoring recommendation. It can be known that the major in-service is in accordance with operational guidelines for the implementation of guidance and counseling in junior high school. However, it still needs improvement efforts by school counselors so that all 9th graders who are declared graduated to get a recommendation of majoring.

Keywords: self-efficacy, career, counselor, majoring on students

Topic: The Acceleration of Link and Match Between Industry and Higher Education

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