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Flipped Learning is Integrated with The Android System for Enhancing Vocational Students^ Learning Motivation
Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom, Hakkun Elmunsyah, Setiadi Cahyono Putro, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Azhar Ahmad Smaragdina, Jailani MD Yunos

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Johor Bahru, Malaysia


During the Covid-19 epidemic, learning development needs to be strengthened. The basic idea behind learning is to prioritize classroom engagement in order to keep the learning process going. One learning strategy that puts the emphasis on direct interaction with pupils is called ^flipped learning.^ This study intends to determine the effects of flipped learning that is applied using the Android operating system. The research and development (R&D) approach is employed for this research and development. This approach was chosen because it accomplishes the same goals as this research, namely, research, design, manufacturing, and testing the reliability of the produced media. As a consequence of the observations, it was discovered that using smartphones by pupils can help them learn. As many as 92.84% of students have smartphone with Android operating systems, demonstrating that integrating Flipped Learning with Android media won^t present any difficulties. Based on the analysis of learning motivation that has been described, the usefulness of android media through learning motivation received an average of 76.40% pre-motivation and 88.93% post-motivation for the functional test of the questionnaire, which included scores on each aspect of software engineering and visual communication in the high category. As a result of the integration of Flipped Learning with the Android system, student motivation increased by 12.53 percent.

Keywords: Flipped Learning, Android, Motivation

Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Achmad Hamdan)

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