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Improvement of Toughness and Microstructure of High Carbon Steel JIS G4401/SK5 by Tempering Treatment
Zuldesmi Mansjur, Moh Fachruddin Suharto, Jemmy Charles Kewas

Universitas Negeri Manado


Aim of this study is to investigate the effect of tempering with various heating temperature (200, 300 and 450 0C) and time (2, 4 and 6 hours) on the toughness and microstructure of high carbon steel in order to improve its properties. The toughness was measured using Charpy Impact test and the changes of microstructures were evaluated by Optical Microscope. The analysis was performed for specimens before and after tempering. The results showed the energy of impact and the impact number (toughness) of high carbon steel JIS G4401 were increased by arising of tempering temperature. Besides, by additional of the time of tempering, the energy of impact and the toughness were also enlarged. The microstructures of specimens after tempering were consisted of ferrite and pearlite phases where the pearlite phase was appeared more dominantly during increasing of temperature and time of aging.

Keywords: high carbon steel, tempering, toughness, impact energy, microstructure

Topic: The Acceleration of Link and Match Between Industry and Higher Education

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