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Perceptions and Preferences of the Academic Community of the Faculty of Social Sciences UNNES on Hybrid and Offline Learning Towards the Covid-19 Endemic
Satya Budi Nugraha (a*), Nugroho Trisnu Brata (a), Eta Yuni Lestari (a), Mukhamad Shokheh (a), Asep Ginanjar (a)

a) Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Campus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang 50229


Since enacting the hybrid and offline learning implementation policy in the academic year of 2022/2023, the academic community of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) UNNES has returned to more intense activities on campus. However, several lecturers and students are still careful with the COVID-19 disease that has not completely disappeared. This is indicated by the existence of some academic communities that still choose to do lectures online. This study aims to analyze the perceptions and preferences of the academic community in the FIS UNNES environment in organizing hybrid and offline courses. The method used to collect data is a questionnaire distributed to 514 people, including lecturers, administration staff, and students. As a result, most of the academic community in FIS (87.2%) agreed with implementing hybrid or offline learning. Nevertheless, some faculty members (36%) stated that online lectures were still available. This is based on there is still a concern for Covid-19 conditions. Some of the reasons that the academic community of FIS UNNES (23.9%) believe are that the situation is related to the health conditions and ages of lecturers who can become comorbid when infected with COVID-19. In addition, according to some faculty members (54.6%), there is a policy from the university that still allows lectures to be held online up to a maximum of 8 (eight) meetings. In addition, there are obstacles to the facilities that are not ready for hybrid or offline lectures.

Keywords: hybrid, offline, learning, Covid-19, FIS UNNES.

Topic: The Future of Education Post Covid-19

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