Improving the Quality of Internships Through Partnerships Students of the Department of Building Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan Zulkifli Matondang, Harun Sitompul
Universitas Negeri Medan
This study aims to determine the quality of the implementation of internships for the Department of Building Engineering Education (BEE) Faculty of Engineering (FE) Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed). The implementation of the internship is one of the implementations of independent learning by applying a link and match between industry and universities. Internship activities for the student^s department in BEE, FE Unimed, are carried out through observation and analysis of various problems of building construction and civil works. The research subjects are BEE FE Unimed students who have carried out internships with as many as 43 people in 2020. The aspects studied in this paper include the process of implementing internships, quality of guidance, assessment system and competency suitability, and internships in BEE. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaires and analysis of internship reports. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively. Based on the results of research and discussion on the implementation of the BEE internship, it is necessary to improve, namely: 1) the implementation of the internship is carried out during the college holidays to make it more efficient, 2) The focus of the internship report determined during guidance with each student, 3) the apprenticeship assessment system based on reports and student mastery of studies during internships, and 4) competencies obtained during internships are relatively in line with several competency achievements of the subject. Overall, the results show that the implementation of internships can improve competence and attitudes towards the world of work, especially in the construction sector. The implementation of internships in the BEE department still needs attention to prepare graduates who are more competent in the field of building construction and civil construction
Keywords: Magang, Kemitraan, dunia konstruksi, kompetensi
Topic: The Acceleration of Link and Match Between Industry and Higher Education