ASSOCIATION OF LIPID PROFILES AND COGNITIVE FUNCTION DETERIORATION IN ISCHEMIC STROKE PATIENTS Diah Kurnia Mirawati, Budianto P, Prabaningtyas HRP, Subandi S, Danuaji R, Ristinawati I, Tedjo AA, Syah FK, Zakiah IZ, Putra SE, Hafizhan M
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Vascular dementia, often caused by stroke, is the second most common type of dementia. Declining cognitive function after ischemic stroke could appear with varying degrees of severity and onset. Overlapping neurodegenerative and vascular damage are suspected to be a contributing factor to this variability. In this cross sectional study, we investigate correlation between lipid profile, a biomarker of vascular dysfunction, and cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients. There were 52 respondents (mean age 64.21), and Spearman correlation test found moderate positive correlation (r=0.658, p=0.04) between lipid profile and cognitive function deterioration. Ordinal regression analysis used to calculate odds ratios (OR) of cognitive function deterioration associated with lipid profile. The OR of cognitive function deterioration with the profile HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and total cholesterol were -1.54 (95% CI -0.98 - -3.46, p=0.002)- 1.78 (95% CI 1.27-2.46, p=0.000)- 2.48 (95% CI 1.39-4.92, p=0.04)- and 1.54 (95% CI 1.04-2.48, p=0.003) respectively.
Keywords: ischemic stroke, cognitive function deterioration, lipid profile
Topic: Medical : basic science, clinical, translational research, medical education, and miscellaneous