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Effect of Alel-2 Milk Supplementation on Nutritional Status and Insulinlike Growth Factor (IGF-1) Expression in Stunting Children
Revi Gama Hatta Novika1, Siti Nurhidayati1 , Rufidah Maulina1 , Atriany Nilam Sari1 , Luluk Fajria Maulida, Nurul Jannatul Wahidah1*

Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


Introduction: Stunting is a major nutritional problem in Indonesia. The main causes are infection and lack of long-term nutritional intake. Protein deficiency intake in a child will affect on plasma level of the Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1) which plays an important role in child growth. This study aims to analyze the effect of Alel-2 Milk Supplementation on Nutritional
Status and Insulin-like Growth factor (IGF-1) expression in Stunting Children Methods: This study was an experimental Randomized Controlled Trial using a Posttest only Control Group Design. There are thirty stunting children in age 2 - 5 years old in the Surakarta Health Center area were divided into two groups. Before the intervention, all respondents had anthropometric measurements. The intervention group was given Alel-2 Milk once a day. In comparison, the control group was given a placebo. Blood samples and the anthropometric result were evaluated before and after the intervention to see the significant effect. Results: The results
showed significant levels of anthropometric results and IGF-1 post-test in the intervention compared to the control group (p <0.05 ). Conclusion: Alel-2 Milk Supplementation has proven to improve Insulin-like Growth factor (IGF-1) expression, but not the Nutritional Status in Stunting Children.

Keywords: IGF-1, nutritional status, Alel-2, Stunting, Anthropometric

Topic: Nursing and Midwifery

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