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Dimensions of Factors Influencing Unmet Needs in Family Planning Programs
Mujahidatul M1*, Agus S2, Nur SD3, Soetrisno4, Najib5 and Aquartuti T6

1Midwifery, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia and Doctor of Medicine and Health, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
2Doctor of Medicine and Health, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
3Nursing, Medical Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
4Population Research Center, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Indonesia
5Midwifery, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The achievement of the unmet need target in the Family Planning program is a manifestation of the success of the Family Planning program to increase strong human resources, national resilience, people^s welfare, and ensure the continuity of national development. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the incidence of unmet needs in the Family Planning program based on three main dimensions of developing an understanding of public health. This study uses the scoping review method of articles with the theme ^family planning^. Article searches were conducted through Pubmed, Scopus, and Emerald, with inclusion criteria: free full-text or open access, systematic review and meta-analysis, published between 2017-2022, articles in English, and articles sourced from journals. The keywords used in the search are ^family planning^ AND ^unmet need^. Thirteen articles identified indicate factors that influence unmet needs in the Family Planning program, namely the number of children, experience using contraception, knowledge, communication with partners, employment status, age, location of residence, access to family planning services, counseling, information, and education. , history of sexually transmitted diseases, fear of side effects, abstinence from using contraception, education, access to information, previous pregnancy history, availability of human resources and policies in family planning services, and availability of infrastructure in family planning services.

Keywords: Family planning, unmet needs, status dimension, structural dimension, process dimension

Topic: Public Health

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