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Solanum betaceum Extract Effect Malondialdehyde (MDA), Testosterone, and Sertoli cell on Lead Acetate Induced Mice (Mus Musculus)
Nurul Jannatul Wahidah1,, Abadiyah Zakiyah2 , A.A Cyntia Riris2, Rima Wirenviona2, and Nurul Fatimah Susanti2, Revi Gama Hatta Novika1,Reny I^tishom3*, Siti Khaerunnisa4

1 Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
2 Master of Reproductive Health, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
4 Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia


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This study aims to analyze whether the solanum betaceum extract effect malondialdehyde (MDA), testosterone, and Sertoli cell on lead acetate induced mice (Mus musculus). This study was a true experimental with a randomized posttest-only control group design using 40 male mice, 12-16 weeks age, 25-30 grams. Mice were acclimated then randomly divided into five groups, K- (negative control group, given aqua dest orally for 35 days), K+ (positive control group, given Aquadest and 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate orally for 35days), P1 (given 100 mg/kg BW Solanum betaceum extract orally for 35days and 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate), P2 (given 200 mg/kg BW Solanum betaceum extract orally for 35 days and 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate), P3 (given 400 mg/kg BW Solanum betaceum extract orally for 35 days and 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate). On day 36, mice were sacrificed, the testicular tissues were taken to evaluate the MDA level through ELISA test and their number of Sertoli cells through histological study. At the same time, 3ml of blood were taken from mice^s hearts to be analyzed for the testosterone level by ELISA test. Supplementation of Solanum betaceum to lead acetate induced mice decreases the MDA mean level, decreases testosterone level, and repair the Sertoli cell.

Keywords: solanum betaceum, malondialdehyde, testosterone, Sertoli cell, lead acetate, and male infertility.

Topic: Medical : basic science, clinical, translational research, medical education, and miscellaneous

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