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Students Environmental Attitude and Pro-Environmental Behavior in Engineering Faculty: Analysis for Develop DIFMOL Model
Henita Rahmayanti(a*), Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan(a), Sylvira Ananda Azwar(b), Feryl Ilyasa(a), Alimun Nasrun A. Hi Alim(a), Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh(c), Paulo Weslem Portal Gomes(d), Giry Marhento(e)

a)Department of Environmental Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

b)Department of Transportation, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

c)Department of English Language and Literature, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia

d) Department of Plant Biology, University of Campinas, Brazil

e)Department of Biology Education, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Indonesia

*Corresponding email: henita.rahmayanti[at]


Environmental education for university level, especially in Engineering faculty, is an important issue. One of environmental issues that becomes a great concern is related to flood disaster mitigation. The purpose of this study is to describe environmental attitude (EA) and Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) among Engineering faculty students. The description is utilized to develop a Flood Disaster Mitigation based on Online Learning (DIFMOL) model. The research method used is descriptive with survey technique. The instruments are distributed online using google form with a sample size of 139 students who are taken by simple random sampling. The results show that the students^ EA scores are in a very high category (89.68) and the students^ PEB is in a moderate category (60.53). It indicates that the Engineering faculty students still require an educational model development to cope with flooding. One that can be developed is the DIFMOL model. In general, aspects need to be emphasized in the DIFMOL model are those related to flood disaster mitigation efforts in urban areas. The conclusion of this study is that EA is very high and PEB is still in the medium category. The DIFMOL model innovation requires further development in the next research.

Keywords: DIFMOL, Environmental Attitude, Pro-Environmental Behavior

Topic: Education

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